[Ep. 36] Hana And RapMonster

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Hana's POV

"Hey, where did you want to take me?" I said, my eyes were blindfold by Mr. Namjoon and I don't know where we want to go.

"You'll know soon." He said and continue dragging me to god knows where.

"We're here~" he said and open the blindfold.

"Why we here?" I asked and we are at a big hall with a lot of people stand in line. Seems like a choir group.

He finally said, "Hana, emm.. I've been planning to do this and today is the right day for me to say this..." he said shyly and didn't continue what he wants to say and instead a music plays. Its Marry Me by Jason Derulo. What surprise me, he sing. He's a rapper and it surprise because he can sing. His voice is so sweet.

A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head
When I think of all the years I wanna be with you
Wake up every morning with you in my bed
That's precisely what I plan to do

And you know one of these days when I get my money right
Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life
We'll forever be in love, so there ain't no need to rush
But one day I won't be able to ask you loud enough

He take my hand and continue sings,

I'll say "Will you marry me?"
I swear that I will mean it I'll say, "Will you marry me?"

And then the choir behind him sings

Ooh whoa ooh oh
Ooh whoa ooh oh
Ooh whoa ooh oh, yeah~

Then, he sings again,

How many girls in the world can make me feel like this?
Baby I don't ever plan to find out
The more I look, the more I find the reasons why
You're the love of my life

You know one of these day when I get my money right
Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life
We'll forever be in love, so there ain't no need to rush
But one day I won't be able to ask you loud enough

I'll say "Will you marry me?"
I swear that I will mean it I'll say, "Will you marry me?"

And if I lost everything
In my heart it means nothing
'Cause I have you, girl, I have you
To get right down on bended knee
Nothing else would ever be better, better
That day when...

He kneel in front of me, take my hand and continue sings,

I'll say "Will you marry me?"
I swear that I will mean it I'll say,
"Will you marry me?"

He ended the song with a question that leave me speechless and dumbfounded. I continue to say silence for almost one minute until he finally says, "So... will you marry me?"

"Uh... emm... I... yes. Yes!"

"Yay!" The people behind him cheer for us and he lift me and spin me around.

"You don't know how long I wanted to hear that from you..." he said and kiss me softly.

"And you don't know how long I wanted to taste your lips~" he said and I blush.

"Yah! Pervert!" I said and punch him in the chest playfully.

RapMonster's POV

This is it. Today I'm going to propose Hana. I'm so nervous. I book a hall and ask help from the choir group to help me.

That evening, I bring her to the hall and prepare for the event.

"Hana... emm... I've been planning to do this and today is the right day for me to say this..." I said shyly and music starts to play and begin to sing. She looks surprise when she see I'm singing. Well...

At the chorus part, I take her hand and she just smile cutely. The chorus part ended and the choir begin to sing their part.

After the song ended, she stand there dumbfounded and speechless. After one minute of silence, I speak, "So... will you marry me?"

She said yes! I'm so happy!

Because of I'm so happy, I lift her and spin her around. She just laugh cutely.

I kiss her softly and then I said, "And you don't know how long I wanted to taste your lips~" I smirk.

She punch me playfully and I just smile at her. Wah!! Today is the happiest day of my life.

"Hey, where's the ring?" She ask suddenly. What ring?

"Huh, what ring?"

"You ask me back? Seriously Namjoon?" She facepalmed.

"Ok, I seriously don't know."

"When you want to propose someone, you must bring ring for her." She said.

"Oh! That ring! Hyung!" I shout for Jin hyung who was also at the hall. He brings with him a small red box with two ring in it.

"Here, one for you and one for me."

"Aww... thanks Namjoon! Its really beautiful. It looks expensive." She said and hug me.

"Just for you~"

"Congratulations guys!" Our friends coming from nowhere and congrats us.

"Hana!! Congrats!" Her friends said and group hug.

"Bro, congrats." My members said and we do a 'brother hug.'

As we were still talking to our friends, I look at Hana and she looks back.

"I love you." I mouth.

"I love you too."


(A/N: Double update! Although I still have a writer's block. Till the next update. Bye~)

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