
30 12 4

I got tag by Jay_Hana_exo

1. This song describe how you'll die.
Suga - Never Mind. (Ok, what??)

2. This song describe how your love life.
Justin Bieber - What Do You Mean. (What do you mean by that? I have a complicated love life?)

3. This song will be played at your wedding.
Big Bang - Let's Not Fall In Love. (At my wedding, let's not fall in love? Seriously? -_-)

4. Add 'in my pants' at the end.
Seventeen - 20 in my pants. (I have nothing to say)

5. This song will be played at your funeral.
One Direction - Perfect (Still have nothing to say.)

6. Add 'with a shovel and screwdriver' at the end.
BTS - No More Dream with a shovel and screwdriver. (?)

7. This song describe your week.
Charlie XCX - Boom Clap (Hmm...)

8. This song is your theme song.
Teen Top - Love U (Yass! I love this song.)

9. This song will play when you think of the person you love.
EXO - Wolf (........)

10. This song will play when you miss someone.
EXO - Growl (........)


I tag eunjiofapink , Lili_pop99 , ExoChanchan98 , Xing_Xun , and everyone who read this. Let's play this game. Its fun!

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