[Ep. 40] Ara , Mira

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The ending for Ara and Mira is they are dead. The end.
LOL. Kidding.


No One's POV

The girls are finally having their own time together. All this time they were so busy.

"Finally! I can eat without my manager watching me!" Wid said.

"I can eat as much as I can!" Hanie said.

"You still have to diet though." Dina said.

"Just this time!"

"Hey I actually thinking of something." Shazlyn said.

"What is it?"

"Only Ara and Mira doesn't have a boyfriend yet right?" She said.

"Yup. I want to focus on my career." Ara said.

"I actually have one." Mira shyly said while eating her favourite food.

"What?! Who?! Tell us!" The other girls start bombard her questions.

"Quiet girls! We're not alone in this restaurant." Mira said.

True. The other customers look at the groups like a weird people.


"Anyway, answer our questions." Leeza said

"We're not bf/gf yet. We still in process to get know of each other."

"What's his name? His work as?"

"His name is Minseok and he's a profesional barista. He has a cafe at this street. Near this restaurant."

"Wow... Mira has a boyfriend now!" They start to tease Mira.

"Hmm... I was left behind. I'm the only one who is alone here." Ara said sadly.

"Aww... don't be sad. You'll find one soon."

"Haha... I'm not really sad. Its ok. I want to maintain my career first."

"Whatever you say. Anyway, I really love it that we have already happy and achieve our own dream. Lets cheer girls!" Inna said.



(A/N: The end. I made Ara and Mira's chapter short because they are not a main character so... it would be a boring chapter if I do a long one. Anyway, this is the end. But after this I have 2 or 3 special chapters that I will do. Just wait for it!)

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