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No One's POV

After they spend the time at the beach, they went back to their hotel room. They changed to pajamas and lay at the bed.

"Wid, I know its too fast but I really want you. I don't mean to do it now but I want you to know that I care about you. I want you and I need you."

"Aw, I love you too and I do care about you also but I'm kinda afraid."

"Of what?"

"That maybe someday you will love another woman."

"Of course, in 10 years I will love another woman that calls you mommy."

"You're so cheesy tonight Tae."

"Do you remember Victor?" He asked as he turns to face Wid.

"Victor? The stalker? How do you know?" Wid asked.

"I am Victor." V asked and grin his rectangle smile.

"What? So it was you?"

"Yup. V, Victor. Victor, V." He said.

"How did you get my number that time?" Wid asked.

"From your friends."





"Are you ok, Inna?"

"Someone mentions my name."


The next day~

Wear the dress and go to the hotel's hall.

Love, taetae ♡

"What's up with this guy?" Wid chuckle and just follow the game. She look at the box on the table. She opens it and it reveal the most beautiful dress she ever see.

She wears it and put a light make up since she's a natural beauty

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She wears it and put a light make up since she's a natural beauty. She do her hair and after finishing her last touch, she quickly go to the hall.

When she arrive, the hall is empty or that's what she thought, because the hall also is in the dark and she cannot see anything.

Then, there's a spotlight. Taehyung in a suit, sitting infront of a piano.

'He's not gonna play that, right?'

Well then, he said,

"This song is for you, baby." Then he start playing the piano. He play the tune of his group popular song, Butterfly.

The moment he start singing, there's a slideshow around them. It shows the picture of them start from when they're still in high school. It makes Wid startled as she confuse on how Taehyung have time to prepare this.

Don't think about anything
Don't even speak
Please just smile for me

I still can't believe it
Everything feels like a dream
Don't try to disappear

The picture showing now is their selca when they was practising for their school's festival. Then, it shows the picture of Wid playing the piano.

'Stalker.' She chuckled.

Is it true? Is it true?
You. You.
So beautiful, so terrifying

Untrue. Untrue
You. You. You

Be by my side
Will you promise me?
If I touch you, I'm afraid you'd fly away or break

I'm afraid, afraid, afraid

To Wid's surprise, there's a picture of them 'dating' in Jeju. When Wid lost the bet and she had to 'dating' with V. There's a picture of them playing at the maze which is the end up winner is Wid. Then, a picture of them at the Teddybear Museum.

I wanna stop time
When this moment is done
Would it be like a fantasy
Would I forget you
I'm afraid, afraid, afraid.

Butterfly, like a butterfly
Almost butterfly, butterfly like
You're like a butterfly

I stare at you from afar
If I touch, will I lose you?
This mud like
Night, you light it up
A little gesture
And I suddenly forget about reality

She smile at him when she see him singing passionately for her. It made her touched. Tears forming in her eyes.

You're like stroking wind
You're like softly lying dust
You're there but I can't reach you
You're like a dream to me

Be by my side
Will you promise me?

After the song ended, the slideshow ended at the picture they were kissing under the moonlight.

V walks to Wid and wipe the tears.

"Don't cry." He smile.

"How can I not? All of this is so beautiful. I hate you." She said while smiling.

"Aww... I love you too."

They laughed. Then, V said,

"Will you promise me something?"

"What is it?"

"Be by my side forever."

"I promise you."

"Pinky promise?" Being the childish he is, he said that.

"You ruin this romantic moment." Wid facepalm.

"Hahaha, you still love me though." He grin.

"I really love you."

"I love you too." He lean in and kiss her. The kiss was sweet and passionate just like their love for each other.


Destiny has brought us together. Our heart having minds of their own. Our bodies and souls blend together to become a passionate flame.

The End.


Finally, its ended already! Thank you for those who reading this. Originally, this story is good then I make this to bad. ~T_T~
Whatever it is thank you again. All of my stories finally completed. I can focus on my new book now. *wink* haha. Thanks for supporting, voting, commenting this story. I love you guys! *throws mini heart, big heart, super mega big heart.*

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