[Ep. 6] Sweetness

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J-Hope's POV

Oh, so the girl that I like is Ara not Dina. Hehe~

Now, I should continue with my plans. Inna will make my love story come true. I should make a move right? Lets start with a simple conversation.

"Ermm.. Ara.. I-"

Suddenly a guy come and hugged Ara from back. WHO IS HE?!

"Honey~" he kiss Ara on the cheek.

"Yah! Don't do that infront of my friends"

"Hi, Joongki oppa!" The girls greet him. Ara's boyfriend? I want to die right now.. Why?

"Hi, I'm Ara's brother, Kim Joongki" his words make me relief.

"NOT A REAL BROTHER" Widelia smirk.

"Yah! Shut up!" He smack Wid's head.

"Oppa!" She pouted.

I can see Ara cheerful face whenever she with Joongki. Thats hurt me.

So, I grab Inna from the cafe and get out from there. Inna looks surprised and blushing.

"Hurm... wae?"

"Nothing, just want some privacy with you so I will know you better" I lie to her.

Inna's POV

Oh great.. It feel like a sweet dream. Please don't wake me up. Being alone with J-Hope.. KYAAA!!

But why he face palmed when Joongki oppa came?

"So, what did you want to know about me?" I asked him.

"Hmm.. lets start with your friends. Since when do you know them? And how close you and Ara? What do you know about her?"

"Why do you desperately want to know about her?"

"N-no. I want to know about you as well cuz you is the most important to me, right?" He chuckles but why I can feel that he's lying?

"Yeah, you like me" I feel like I'm lying to myself. But I want him so bad. Aish~ I hate myself.

"I think we should spend time together. Maybe a dinner tonight?" He asked.

"Er.. maybe next time. I have some stuff to do. I want to tell you more about Ara but I'm late for my next class so I better going now. Tata~" I rush without looking back. I need to control myself!

When I enter to the dance class I saw something weird. Jungkook stare at Dina with blushing face. Dina is currently dancing. Widelia stare an electric gaze to Jimin while V is looked at her. Its looked like triangle love. But the most weird is how can Leeza playing a stupid game with Hanie in class? Leeza's eyes was covered with a cloth. And she walking blindly to search Hanie.

Leeza's POV

I hate dance class cuz I can't dancing. Hmm.. now I'm bored! Suddenly, Hanie came to me. "Do you want to play with me and the other girls? I'm bored"

"Good idea! What game?"

"You will know soon" she winked.

She covered my eyes. I started to regret my decision to play with her!

"I'm here" I can hear Hanie's voice provoked me but too bad, I'm not a dog that can smell her.

"Yah! Hanie, wait there!" I walk and walk and sometime I bumped into people and things.

But then my hands grabs someone. Next, I have to guess. So, I touch and I can feel the smooth skin, eyes, nose and lips. But it feel different.

"Hmm.. Nana or Eunji?"

"No, its me" a guy voice. I quickly open the blindfold.


Jin's POV

She touch me. I can feel like her warm hands. She was too close to me until there's no space between us. Her eyes still closed. I wonder her reaction after she see me.

"Jin?!" She said with surprised face.

"Yeah, its me. You're the second person who touch me. The first one is my mother." I winked to tease her.

"I-I'm sorry." She mutter with a red face.

"Gwaechana. I feel lucky cuz beautiful girl touch me"

Then, she grins and pinch my cheeks. "Yes, you're lucky!" She laugh make me laugh also.

"Wooh, Leeza got a boy! She got a handsome, caring and kind boy!" Hanie sings <I Got A Boy by SNSD> but she changed I to Leeza Got A Boy

We forgot the others also watching our 'sweet drama'. We just ignored them and laugh.

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