[Ep. 33] Wid And V

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No One's POV

"So, how do see each other? I mean like... how do you see V as? A nice man or...?"

The interviewer ask Widelia with the question. Wid seems to be flustered with the question but since she's professional, she keep her nervousness in mind and answer the question.

"Oh, V is a nice guy. Since we already know each other, I know a little bit about his personality. He's sweet, romantic and loving person." She say and keep on faking her smile.

"Oh, interesting. Since you know each other, you must know a little bit about his favourite food, drinks, hobbies and all that, right?"


"Now, I'm going to ask V. V-shi, what do you think about Widelia?"

"Wid is a hardworking girl, never know how to give up, she's like angel in the devil suit. She look bad outside but she's a nice girl. She also very determine to get what she wants."

"Wow, what a long answer. Do you already love her?" The interviewer laugh.

"Yeah, I 'was' in love with her back then." V said and put his hand around Wid's shoulder. The interviewer seems to not hear what V said and carry on with the interview.


Wid's POV

"What do you mean by I was in love with her back then?" I asked him right after we finished the interview.

"What? Its true right?" He said.

"I mean why do you stress the word 'was'?"

"Its because I love you back then, but now not anymore. Oh, so you think I'm still in love with you?" He smirk.

"Wha-what? O-of course not! I don't think like that!"

'Damn! Why am I stuttering?'

"Huh. Whatever... see you next time sweetie." He said and walk away with his signature smile.

Dup dup dup...

'Heart... why are you beating so fast...'

"Wid, lets go. You have another interview after this." My manager said.

"Ok, I'm going!" I said and quickly take my jacket and go to my manager.


Finally! Another tiring day already end.

"Its because I love you back then, but now not anymore..."

"Not anymore..."

"Not anymore..."

Does he really mean that? I think he do really mean that. The way he tell me its serious. Then, why am I feel sad? I should be happy right? The guilty feeling inside me will vanished.

I should happy and why am I sad?

'Because you love him.'

"What?! No?! Of course not."

'Keep on deny. But you can't lie to yourself. You feel happy right, when you are told to be partnered up with him?'

"No! I am not happy. I'm absolutely feel horrible when they told me my partner will be him."

'You can't lie, Wid. I'm your heart. I know what you feel about him. You love him since high school but you keep denying because you want to purchase your dream. He's hurt... you hurt... why do you want to lie again?'

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