[Ep. 1] New Friends

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Dina's POV

Shazlyn and Inna went inside the class. But both of them face palmed.

Are they had argue again? But, its okay, cuz the fight will not take a long time.

This is the first class but the class is very noisy. Its really not describe us as the genius students in school. I looked around.

Widelia is buried her face on her arms *sleeping*, Ara is reading while Leeza disturb her, Mira is still eating her meatbun. Others students are playing around and chatting.

"Did you guys just had a fight?" I asked them.

"She started it first!" Both of them pointed at each other.

"No, its you!"



"Guys, stop it. Wid will angry if you disturb her sleeping" I tried to calm them.

"Her voice is loud!"

"Its you who talk to much!" Inna rise her tone.

"You'll wake her up!"

"No! You will!"

"No, its you!" Their tone get higher and higher. Suddenly..

'PPPAAAKKK' Widelia slammed the table.

"Yah! You f*cking noisy! Do you want to die?!" She shout to us.

"Its her fault!"

"Its yours!"

Then, the things become worst when Inna grabs Shazlyn's hair.

They fighting and Widelia also joined them. Its more worst when Leeza, Ara and me tried to stop them.

Our hair also been pulled.

'We are innocent'

Suddenly Mr. Henry entered.

"Ehem ehem"

We quickly stands. *innocent face*

Inna's POV

I really looks like a crazy woman. My hair is messy and my clothes is ruined. This is Shazlyn's fault.

There are 7 news boys witness our violent just now.


"See me in the office later, now you can sit." Mr. Henry said.

"As you can see, they will be your new classmates. And I knew that some of you girls are excited now."

I looked at the boys carefully. There's one guy catch my attention. I smirk.

'I'll make him falling for me'

Widelia's POV

I seriously judging what just Mr. Henry said. Me (as the girl) doesn't fell excited.

My eyes caught someone.

The arrogant boy that I bumped.

'Ergh.. he's my classmate?' I start to hate my life.

Someone's POV

My mouth was widely open when I see the girl was fighting. I can't believe this! They beautiful and cute but really violent.

Then, I notice a girl. The girl that I met just now. She looked at me. I feel her eyes judge me.

'What's wrong with this girl?'

One thing for sure, she seems to hate me.

J-Hope's POV

After Suga has finished, its my turn to introduce myself. I talk confidently with a smile.

That sexy girl.. She can't stop staring at me. Maybe my another fangirl. She is f*cking sexy. Even I'm a playboy.

But sorry, I don't like a bad girl. I like a gentle and playful girl. My eyes then see the perfect girl.

'I will get to know her soon'

Widelia's POV

They introduce themselves. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

'Ergh.. Do I need to know them?'

The arrogance boy was the last person to introduce himself. He smirked at the girls and the girls started to giggles.

'Ew.. disgusting'

I just stare an electric gaze to him.

"My name is ..." but suddenly he been interrupted by Hana and Hanie, who was late.

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