Chapter 4

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I feel around, my eyes still closed. My blanket; as well as my pillow. I yawn and rub at my eyes, the light streaming in from my window keeps me from opening my eyes. My breath doubles as I feel a hand land on chest. My eyes no longer need the dark. I take a deep breath; realizing that it's just Grey. I slip my hand into my pocket and pull out my phone, checking the time. I slept through dinner and into Tuesday, "Grey." I begin to say as my alarm goes off. I listen to it, as I wait for it to wake up Grey, "Shut it off." She mumbles. I laugh and hit snooze, leaving it on her back as I walk to the bathroom. "Alec, maybe you should talk to him." I hear dad whisper as I pull the door to my bedroom closed. "I can not do that."  Alec repeats, after pausing; I assume to see if anyone was up. After I snuck into the bathroom, I let my ear lay against the door, "I don't see why he's acting out in the first place." Alec states. I roll my eyes, walking away from the door and starting the shower.

While running my hands up and down my chest, trying to heat up, I step into the shower. How could he not know why I was acting out? How can he not notice that Grey no longer acts like she used to? Oh yeah, I almost forgot. He's to busy with his other patients. Dad; dad's just busy. He's so focused on teaching and his art shows, and Aunt casey's daughters twenty-first birthday party to worry about me, and more importantly; Grey. I rub soap into my hand and slather it onto my chest, under my arms and down my legs. Seriously, how could he not know? How could the two just not care? They act like they never made a mistake. They act like they know what it's like to be lost, when they don't.
I wash my hair and step out of the shower. Theres a strident knock, "Tyrian!?" I sigh, "Yeah?" Alec knocks again, "You done in there?" I throw a pair of boxers on and open the door, stepping around him, "Your bathroom not workin'?" He laughs nervously, "Ah no, your dad is in there. I just wanted to talk to you about yesterday." I stop, and shake my head out into a towel, "What about yesterday?" He sighs, "Tyrian, you know-" I stop in the middle of the hallway and swerve around, my face hot with anger. "No, father; I don't. I know that you don't like my actions. I know that you don't appreciate the way I do things, an I know that you aren't proud of what i've done in my life... But Father," I step towards him, "I never asked you to adopt me. I never asked you, to raise me. I never asked you to love me." My voice begins to waver so I raise it to strike through the tears, because to be honest the only thing i've ever wanted; was for him and dad to be proud of me. "I never asked you to be disappointed!" He grabs my arms an shakes me, "I've never been more proud of you." He says, shaking me to a point where my hair sticks to my face. "I have always loved you! There has never been a moment where I regret having you an your sister! Ever! I fought for you! An I will continue to fight for you and your sister!" He pushes me away, "I can't do anything right by you can I? I can't show you how much I love you by how much I do for you day in and day out. How I help you with your homework when I can, or take the trash out when you forget too so Jace doesn't yell at you! I try Ty!" He steps in close, the color of rage and fear mixed along with sorrow, "I try every day." I lean against the wall for support as he walks past me and slams the front door closed. I slide down the wall, and close my eyes, "Crap." I whisper. "You remind me so much of him when we were younger." My dad says quietly. "Tyrian. You need to apologize." He says almost as soft. Like it's not a command. I shake my head and stand, walking past him, "You don't get it do you?" I pull my door closed, and lean against it. "Ty?" Grey whispers, covering her mouth with my sheets. I sigh, "Please be on my side. For once, please be there." I say, sliding down the door onto the floor. Water drips onto my chest, and I intake. It's chilly. "I'm always on your side... I just don't always show it, and I should. I never realized that you were always on mine." I chuckle, "Of course I am." She is what this is all about. She smiles, but starts to cry. Which completely throws me off, "I'm sorry." She whispers. I stand up and sit next to her, "For what?" She pushes the sheets away, and a puddle of blood is surrounding her. I frown, "Grey." I look her up and down an realize that she doesn't look to good. "Grey that's a lot." She nods, but can't talk. I rub her back, "Grey? Why is you period so heavy?" She begins to cry harder. I sigh, "Grey. It's okay. I'm not mad. Just tell me, you know you can." She shakes her head, "No. I can't." I pull my hand back, "What do you mean you can't? We tell each other everything." She shakes her head, "I have to take a shower." I scoff, stand and leave my room. I tunnel my fingers through my hair and pull. Sense when did we hide things from each other? Was it when she decided she hid things from everyone else?

I throw a bagel into the toaster, put cream cheese on it and leave it for Grey. I shut the front door and jump on my bike, heading to school.


"What are Joules?" My physics teacher asks this redneck. He sits back in his chair an kicks mine. "Energy?" The teacher shakes his head, "It's the units for Energy." Mr. Ryan looks at the new girl, Penelope, and smirks, "Ms Penelope. What about Watts?" She smiles, and I know why. "It's the units for Power, which is Work over Time. Specifically named after James Watts." Mr. Ryan lifts a brow, "Nice to have you in the class Penelope." She nods in respect. "Alright class. I've graded your tests and I'm handing them back now." He says dramatically. "Tyrian Woods." He says, and slides it towards me. C-, fantastic. 
I had looked over my physics test over and over again. Until someone tapped my shoulder. "Hey. Ty, what'd you get?" Penelope asks as the bell rings. "72 percent." I state, while slamming my books onto my desk. I stand, and bring the books with me. "Wanna come over after school, I could help?" She asks nicely. Although, after what happened today. I'm not sure I want to hang out with anyone... But that's exactly why I say yes. I need to stop thinking about me all the damn time. "Right after school?" I ask. She nods, "I'll be at my locker." I send her a smile; and I know that she knows it's fake.

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