Chapter 10

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The bell rings, signalling lunch and Jae fingers me over. I sigh, glancing at a retreating Penelope. "What's up?" Jae stands, grabbing his lunch pail, "Your sister is coming home today. So you need to find Penelope another place to stay." I'm to tired to fight. Pen has been staying with us for three days and we've barely spoken. "Fine," I say, leaving the room. I walk up behind Penelope and poke her shoulder, she turns from her locker and my eyes widen, "What the hell happened?" Her left cheek is red and her eyes are shining. She shrugs, clearing her throat, "Nothing that I can't handle." I shake my head in confusion, "You didn't have it five seconds ago." She shrugs again and I'm learning to hate the gesture. 
She slams her locker shut, scaring a few freshman, "Look. I'm fine. Soon I won't be at this damn school. I won't be living off a guy I barely know, and I certainly won't have to live in this damn town." Her voice breaks. I grab her wrist, "What are you talking about? You're moving. Why?" She shakes her head, "I'm not doing this here." I bite my lip hard, "Then where? You never want to talk to me!" She steps close, her eyes hard, "I barley know you." I close my eyes, inhaling, "I shouldn't have said what I did and I'm sorry." She shakes her head, "Like I said. Nothing I can't handle." She turns and walks down the hallway.
When I go to stop her Jackie is in my face, "Ty! How are you?" I look over her face and smile without thought. I close my eyes, trying to focus on Penelope. "I'm great, but I should be going." She sets a hand on my chest and leans in, "Stay," I stutter, shaking my head, "No, no really. I should get going." She frowns, her bottom lip so close to mine. Her dark brown eyes shining. "We could go out for lunch if you need to get out for a while." I shake my head, glancing around looking for Derek, but see my friend Justin instead, "Justin wait up!" I push her back slightly, "Sorry Jack we have plans." She smiles at Justin, "Oh that's fine, as long as were still on for studying? maybe at my place next time?" I nod, backing away, "Yeah, sure; whatever works."
I slap Justin's back, "Thanks man," He chuckles, "You've been up her ass for years and now you can't get rid of her fast enough? What the hell, you gay bro?" He smiles, I shove him into a freshman's locker and watch him try to flirt his way out of it. I grab his collar, "I just need time to think. Lets go get lunch. I know the perfect place." He smiles, "Yeah? I'm down." 
I pull the diner doors open and smile at Damien, "Hey boss," He glares, wiping down the counter, "I told you yesterday, you don't get a discount." Justin laughs, "I got money man." Damien scoffs, "What do you want?" We sit on a couple of empty stools and look over the menu. Justin orders a burger with everything on it and three sides of fries. "Uh, I'll just have the chicken deluxe, no fries." Justin scoffs, "Pansy." I punch his thigh and he whimpers, "Ass," I smirk, "You know it." 
I'm looking at my phone when my plate is thrown down in front of me, I look up bewildered, "What are you doing here?" Penelope glares, setting Justin's three plates down. He claps his hands and straightens his shirt, before digging in. I look back at her carefully, "I, am having lunch. What are you doing?" She takes her apron off and grabs a plate, "Having lunch." I hide my smile, "Can we talk, please?" She bites into her sandwich and nods, "Sure. Not here, your house; tonight's the last night I need a place to stay; I promise." She glances at Damien and he nods once; clearing off another table. I look between the two, and focus on Penelope, "I'm not worried about when you have to leave. Alec actually likes you; I don't know what you told him that night, but it worked." I lean in, glancing at Justin, who is way to focused on his food, "I care about what happens to you. I want to know your story. I want you to trust me, please." 
She shakes her head, pushing her plate away, the contents gone. "I can't. Not until you trust me." I scoff, "I do." She shakes her head, "No. I mean really." I sigh, "Fine, what do you want me to do?" She nibbles on her lip and I become distracted. I shake my head and refocus, "Throw your contacts away." I blink, "I'm sorry, what?" She smiles, jumping down from the stool, "Those are my conditions friend, those are my only conditions." I look at Justin, who is now very interested, "What the hell is she talking about?" 
I sigh, "Nothing." Maybe I can't tell the school, but I should be able to tell my best friend of seven years; that my eyes aren't really brown. I open my mouth, but stop, "Come on. Lets catch her, give her a ride." Justin smiles grabbing his last fry and slapping it through the ketchup, "Cool. Lets go." We push through the door when Justin brings Grey up, "Where is she man?" I sigh, "I told you, she's home." He scoffs, "I went to your place last night remember? She wasn't there, stop lying." I shout Penelope's name and glance at him, walking faster, "She went to a friends house." Justin grabs my shoulder and turns me towards him, "She doesn't have any friends." I try to shrug it off, "How rude." He glares, "I'm serious. Where is she?" His eyes darken and his demeanor change. I step back, shocked, "Holy shit, dude seriously?!" Penelope walks up beside me, "What's going on?" 
Justin holds up his hands, "He's lying. I didn't do shit." I step towards him, shoving him, "Oh you didn't do shit? Forget you man!" He shoves me back, "What?!" Penelope tries to stand between us, "Why didn't you ever tell me you dick!" He gets passed Penelope and shoves me and I shove back, "Tell you what pansy!?" I push him to the ground and he looks at me, his eyes softening, "I'm sorry alright dude! I should have told you!" Penelope's holding her hair from her face, eyes wide, "I'm still lost, tell you what?" I grab her arm and pull her across the street, ignoring Justin's apologies.
I shake my head, trying to clear my head. "Ty, tell you what?" I look back, watching as his truck pulls up, his eyes soft and his heart open, "He's in love with Grey." She swears under her breath, and pats my shoulder, Justin jumping out of his truck; jogging closer and closer.  

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