Chapter 9

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I slam the door shut, screaming and throwing my bag onto the near by couch.

"Ty?" I suck in much needed air to see Alec sitting not that far from me. "Hey, I didn't think anyone would be here." He sticks his arms out, as if to say 'here I am'. I nod, "Well, good seeing you." I slowly pick up my bag and turn to my room when he stops me, "Ty it's late, you didn't think we'd notice the car gone?" I close my eyes, and slowly turn towards him, "Yeah, it was just real quick." He nods, "It's illegal you know?" I nod, "Yes I know, I needed to see Grey, you and dad were out with Uncle Tyler and Chelsea." He nods, "Jae went up there a few minutes ago. I said I'd join him when I dealt with you."

"Dealt? Is that all I am now father, dealt with?" He sighs, standing up and walking in my general direction, "Tyrian stop, me and your father love you, a lot." I place a hand to my heart, "Thank you, so much." His eyes widen in anger and what I assume to be shock, "Tyrian Woods what in the hell is your problem?"

I look down, what isn't the problem? I kick at the carpet, "Nothing," He watches me and his shoulders slump when he notices something, "Someone saw you, someone saw your eyes." I look up at him, and my silence is the answer. He shrugs, "Ty you can't hide behind the contacts forever you know." He steps forward and when I don't move away he moves closer, "Was it her?"

I pop my neck, ridding the tension, "Penelope?" He sighs, nodding softly, "Penelope, yes." I shrug, "She might have, I don't know; if she did she didn't say anything." He frowns, "Is that bad?" I scoff, "I don't know Father, probably. Can I go to bed now?" He steps back, nodding, "Yeah, I guess."

I nod, saying good night, and walk to my room quickly, shutting the door behind me. I look around my room and place my bag on the bed. I walk over to the closet and get down on my knees quietly. I set my hand on the knob when there's a knock at my door. I flinch and jump to my feet, "Come in," I don't ask who it is, because I know. "Ty?" My eyes widen, I was wrong, I didn't know who it was, "Yeah, yeah come on in."

Penelope slips through the door and clicks it shut behind her, "I'm sorry I came here without telling you, you weren't answering your phone and I needed to get away." I nod, my phone died twenty minutes ago. "What's up?" I ask, dropping my head, hiding my eyes. "I need a place to stay." I shake my head, "I'll talk to my dad's but-"

"I already did, they said it was alright. They said it was okay that I sleep in Grey's room." I look up at her in shock, "They said it was okay?" She nods, "You're father did, he said he'd talk to Jae though, whom doesn't like me." I chuckle, because neither of them do, "I don't think that he doesn't like you per say, he just doesn't know you." She laughs, trying to look at me, "Same thing," I rub my eyes, faking a yawn that turns into a real one, "Well, her room is right there, tomorrow I expect to hear all about this and why you need a place to stay." She eyes widen, but she nods softly, slipping back out of my room.

I sigh, rubbing my eyes an slouching onto my bed. I push my bag onto the floor and lay back, bringing my knees to my chest, and falling asleep.


My eyes flinch open as my bedroom door shuts. I sit up and rub at my eyes, looking around. Penelope jumps up and her eyes widen, "I knew it!" She yells. I cover my face, jumping out of bed and running towards the bathroom, "Go!" She grabs my arm and pulls my shoulder. I swear and hit the wall, my eyes still closed. "Ty I already saw there's no point in hiding it!" I sigh, my knees buckling and my ass hitting the floor. "Ty?!" Her warm hand lays against my knee and she leans in, to where I smell her perfume. I look up at her, her blue and green eyes looking back at my purple ones. "Why do you hide them?" I look down at my lap and smack my knee, "Ty, why do you hide who you are?"

I shrug, "It's not normal, I guess." She falls back on her butt, and scoots close, "Do you think I'm normal? Or Grey-" I glare at her, "Don't say sh-" She scoffs, "Calm down, I wasn't saying anything bad. She's not normal, I'm not. You aren't. No one is, and that's okay Ty. Jesus, you can't hide your entire life!" She stands and walks around my room. My eyes follow her until she comes to a complete stop, watching me. "Why didn't you tell me?" I shrug, "It wasn't your business." She leans in, putting her hands on her hips, "Excuse me? Did you just say that to me?" I kick my legs out, shrugging, "Look, Pen-" She shakes her head, "No, no don't tell me to look! You had no right to hide that from me-" I jump to my feet, towering over her, "Why are you so mad, it's none of your business and it's not like we've known each other for more than a month!" She steps back, and I know that I hurt her. I look down at my feet, "I'm sorry, I-" The stinging sensation lasts a lot longer than the sound.

I hold onto my face, heat pouring from my cheek, "What the hell?" I ask. She shrugs, "We're late for school," She states dryly, walking out of the room, slamming it shut. I flinch, looking around, questioning everything that I have done for the last two months.

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