Chapter 2

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    "Carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done. Lay your-" I pick up my phone and thumb snooze, "Grreeyy." I say tiredly, rubbing away sleep from my eyes. I start to fall asleep once again until the Song starts once again. I hit stop, "Grey." I say louder, rolling out of bed. I walk to my closet and push my clothes out of the way, left with a door that was made when I was seven. This was a way our dads connecting us together when we were young. Little did they know that we had snacks in between where we sat an ate when they didn't let us have desert. Sadly, we didn't have desert a lot, so the snacks soon ran out. "Grey wake up," I whisper as I crawl through the door fit for a seven year old. I haven't used this door sense our last fight. I hate when we fight. An we haven't fought for years. Some may say i'm the clingy one. My shoulders are harder to get through, but I do fit. I look up an she's already awake, wrapping her chest with a binder. "Hey." I say quietly, as I drag my legs out of the door behind me. She looks down at me, "Morning Jerk." I look down, shaking my head.
She frowns, sitting on her bed, throwing my old sweatshirt over her head, "What's wrong with you?" I sit up and lean against the small door, "Nothing." She clears her throat an looks down at her chest, "Does it bother you? I mean really?" I sit up, half annoyed, "Of course It doesn't." I sigh, losing the annoyance, adding depression, "I'm just worried."  I put my head down, laying them against my knees. I hear her bed creak, an her warmth is then next to me, "Are you sure? I mean..." I look at her with all the love I can muster, "I love you, It doesn't matter who you are too me, I just want you to be happy. Hiding yourself, it makes you sad; I would know." She sighs, rolling her eyes, "An look what you're doing. You're hiding the real you, hiding behind your gorgeous eyes because you don't want to be seen, but Ty, You're amazing. Remember what Aunt Casey always says?" I nod, "Be who you are or don't be anyone at all." I look away, that's why I don't tell her about my contacts. "Sometimes I feel like that'd be easier." She sighs, setting her hand on my knee, "Don't." I look at her, well aware about Alec's friend. "Lets go." She nods, "Let me go get my supplies for Art." I nod, watching her leave. A few moments go by, and I stand too; leaving her room through the actual door. I'm half way to the front door, bag in hand when she comes up beside me. "I can't wait until I get my license." I nod laughing, "Yeah me too." We only say that because our dads leave early to go to work. We asked dad a long time ago why we couldn't ride with him to work and he said because he left so early to go to work with Alec. In earlier years I would ask to go with them. They declined, saying to much sadness was drawn out of someone when they entered. Then I wasn't sad. Now; I woudn't know. "Stop thinking." Grey states, as she lets go of her handles and throws her hands up screaming. I almost run into her with my own bike, "Jesus! Grey what are you doing!?" She laughs, "Living!" I sigh, shaking my anger away. I smile, "There is definitely something wrong with you." I mumble. She scoffs, "Isn't there though." I stare at her, as she sets her hands over the handle bars, "Don't start that. It's suppose to be a good day." She looks over, eyeing me "Whyyy?" I turn the corner, and hit a curb. I swear, "This is the day that I don't let anything bother me." She laughs, "Yeah. Prove it." I stare at her, already regretting everything. "How?" She inclines her head, "You know how." I nod, "I will... Some day." She shakes her head; disappointed. "Look I know you're disappointed-" She stops me, hoping off her bike, rolling it onto the side walk, "No. I'm not. I'm tired of seeing you sad. It's hard for me. I want you to know that I am here. I'll walk into that shcool right by your side." I look her up and down. I know she would. That's why I can't. She's not the outcast. However she will be; if she comes out as FTM. I love her all the same. An I will call her what ever she wants me too. As of right now; she will have to do. "An I would do the same for you. I hope that you know that." She nods, telling me that she does. I nod, "Good. So, you have a crush?" She blushes, "Wait what?" I hadn't expected that. "You do?" She nods, "Yeah. She's a grade below me. But, she's amazing. She came out gay." I shrug, "Yeah? So?" She looks at me, "So she'd be attracted to me now. Not when I.. You know." She throws her shoulders forward, letting me know what I already do. I nod, "Right... Well, maybe she just came out as gay so she wouldn't have to explain everything else. She could be pansexual. You never know." She shrugs, "Maybe. Maybe not." I pull the door to the schools wide open, as the pain in my right shoulder distracts me from grabbing my sister before she falls. "What the!?" I ask, holding onto my shoulder, letting the door fall shut, and giving my sister a hand; looking at the girl who knocked her down; and dislocated my shoulder. Well, not really. Though it still hurt like hell. "I am so sorry! I am so sorry! I'm so sorry are you alright!" She speaks in a matter of seconds. My eyes widen. So do Greys'. I help her up. "It's okay. Are you alright?" The front doors to the school crash open and a frenzy of girls and a couple of guys come running out, "Where is the little-" I come face to face with Jackie. I stop short, and look back at the girl who broke my shoulder. I let go of my shoulder and turn back to Jackie, "What's going on?" Her eyes die out and her smile begins to shine. An like always, I'm lost in them. She giggles. "I was just showing the new girl around." I look at her, her left eye already begins to turn blue and purple. I look at her, "Are you alright?" I ask once again. She nods, "I'm fine." She barks. My brow raises. I open my mouth to talk when Jackie cuts in, "Her eye was like that. You know me Ty. I'd never-" I shut her out, and look at the girl. Her eyes are alive. I can't tell the color because every time she meets my eyes she puts her head down before I can pinpoint the color. I'm almost certain that it's a blue color. though I'm not sure yet. Her hair is a mess; which most likely means some of the girls behind me pulled at it. Dried blood covers her lip. A thought in the back of my mind tells me to reach out and wipe it clean. I blink; not expecting that at all. "Look, Jackie. How about you just let her be, huh?" I say it to Jackie, but I can't let my eyes off this girl whom i've never even met before. One of Jackie's friends scoffs, "That's not your call to make fag." My heart skips a beat, "Okay Derek. Let's tone it down alright?" He goes to step around Jackie when she stops him. The look in her eyes is something I've never seen her wear before. An it worries me, because it's directed towards the new girl. "No. He's right babe. Let's go. We'll catch up to piggy later." She grabs Derek's hand and pulls him away from me. An the six or so people there turn and follow them. Grey and I turn towards the new girl, but she's already walking away. I take a step to go after her, when Grey stops me, "Are you sure?" I lower my brows, "What do mean? Grey, she was beaten up." She rolls her eyes, "Yeah. By your precious little girlfriend." I sneak a glare at Grey while I run towards the new girl. "Hey-" She seems familiar. She stops; she wasn't expecting anyone to follow her. She looks over her shoulder, "I'm alright." She all but whispers. I walk around, standing in front of her, "Are you sure? We can take you to the Nurse." I look back, and Grey is gone. I sigh, "I can take you to the Nurse." The left side of her lip lifts, "No. I'm alright. I plan on skipping anyways." She states, like she didn't just tell me she was leaving school. She bites her lip, just like Jackie does; but it looks different. An by the face she makes I can tell it feels different. She winces, touching her eyebrow gingerly. "Well. I might as well come along. You got a bike?" She looks at me like i'm insane, "A bike? How old are you?" I scoff, "I'm turning seventeen soon. How old are you?" She laughs, "Old enough to walk." She laughs again. An though it's at me, I like how she laughs. It's not a sound, so much as look. Her eyes wake up, and she's made eye contact twice now, and I still can't tell, "What color are your eyes?" I ask without thinking. I blink, "Sorry." I laugh. She raises a brow, "Uh. I don't know. One of them is blue and one is green." She shrugs. I stop short. "Really?" I ask again, stepping in closer, and she backs away. I stop, "I'm sorry... Uh, would you like company? Skipping school?" She eyeballs me, "You've never cut class have you?" I laugh like I have something to hide. But it drags out, while i'm trying to think of something to say. "Uh no. I've never cut class." She shakes her head, smiling to herself. "Then go on, I don't want to be the reason you get in trouble for the first time." I stop, "I didn't say i've never gotten in trouble. An I never said I didn't skip school." She stops, "So you lied." I smile, knowing I have something to hide, "It's not skipping class if you never intended to go." A gleam in her eyes wakes my entire body up. I smile, "Shall we?" She doesn't say anything. But she throws her arms out telling me to go ahead. While we walk I learn that her name is Penelope. That makes sense as to why Jackie called her piggy. Though she isn't fat, and she isn't a twelve year old boy stuck on a island. Penelope suits her though. I don't know why, maybe it's because the movie Penelope has always been my all time favorite movie. I feel like I can relate to her. This Penelope though, I don't know; maybe it's because her nose is a little to high, or that her ears stick out a little to much when she pushes the strains of hair behind them. Or maybe it's the below shoulder length brown hair that curls at the ends. 

"So that really happened? That's amazing." I nod, still catching my breath. We had just ridden my bike twelve blocks because she wanted breakfast. Twelve blocks with her sitting on my handles, and her telling me where to go and when to turn. I hold the door open and let it close behind me. "Hey Eddy! Food!" She gets to the front bar, "Get me the normal, and a second for my friend here." He looks me up an down, and nods; glaring. I frown, "Uh. Penelope, I didn't bring any money." She looks at me seriously, "You're not paying? This is by far the worst date ever." She turns back, and sits still. To still. My cheeks flush red. I try and save face, looking around, trying to see who saw. She starts laughing, and I become so confused that I sit back into the chair that sits next to her. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry. That's to funny. I wouldn't worry about it. It's on the house." She shrugs. I look around the small cafe once again. "Do you know the owner?" She shrugs, "Some would say I am the owner." I choke on the water Eddy sat in front of me seconds ago, "Wait what?" Eddy looks at Penelope, and glares at me once more. He leans in and the vein that exerts itself tells me he's telling her something serious. She leans back, her smirk gone. She glances at me, grabs her food and walks out the door. I look at Eddy, whom didn't give me food; and I bolt out the door, his tattoo running up his arm seared into my brain. "Hey. Are you alright?" She turns towards me, "Yeah I'm fine. I just didn't want my older brother beating you up." I look back at the cafe, through the window. Eddy stands there; staring at me. I laugh nervously, "Oh. Well thanks for that. Any idea as to why he'd want to beat me up?" She laughs, "That. My friend. I have no idea. Probably because I promised him I'd try at this school. Or maybe; the bruise that's forming." I look around, "Do you live around here?" She looks up an down the blocks, "Three blocks over. It's not as bad as around here. Sure has hell isn't as good as yours i'm sure." I scoff, taking half of her BLT sandwich. "Yeah. Well, you made a promise. An, I'm not one to help break them. So, lets go to school." She shakes her head, "No. It's a private school. With whom I hate." I nod, "I know. Just chill with me. They'll leave you alone." She hands me the plate and walks off without another word. I look at the plate and throw it in a near by trash can, "Wait. Hold up-" She turns, centimeters away from my face, her chest touching mine, "Listen to me. I don't need your help. I never asked for it. Get that through you head." I nod, then shake my head confused, "What did I say?" She rolls her eyes, "You think that me walking around with you will save me." I nod, "Maybe. I'm not popular, but i'm not at the bottom." She smiles, "Like me." I nod, "Wait no. I just mean!... I don't want you to get hurt." I touch her eyebrow, it swollen. She winces, "Ouch, Jesus dude." I pull back slowly, "Sorry. Look Penelope. If it doesn't work. Then I'll help you get into the school down the street. I know the principal." She nods in agreement, "Deal." I smile, "As of right now though. We can't go back to school." Her eyebrows furrow, "Why not?" I laugh. "It's a private school. They call your parents if you show up late. An call your parents if you don't show up at all. So why not skip, and get to the phone first?" I say holding back a smirk. She nods, "Makes sense. Do you have any video games at your place?" I shrug, "A few. Want to come over for a while. My parents won't be there." She looks me up and down, then glances at her older brother Eddy. "Alright. I have to be home by seven." I look at my clock, and beings how school just started, we have plenty of time until seven. "Sounds good to me." 

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