Chapter 6

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While taking care of dinner, ready for dessert, my parents and grandma start talking about the lake house. "I don't think I'm going down there this summer." I state. Everyone stops, "What do you mean Ty?" Alec questions. My grandmother looks at dad and then to me, "Yeah Ty, you've come to the lake every year, for forever." I shrug, "I'd like to get a job this summer. Going to the lake would impair that." Grey speaks to me for the first time tonight, "You can't not go. That's your favorite place." See, she knows me. An it's moments like this that I wish she hadn't. "Yeah, it use to be." I say directly to her. She inhales and looks away. Alec steps in, "Tyrian you're going. We can't just leave you." I laugh, "You mean you don't trust me enough to stay here alone." Dad interjects, "That's not what your father said. Summer is when we get to see each other more." I nod, leaving out the fact that Alec leaves almost every other day, going back to the hospital. "I know dad. It's just I want a job. I want that responsibility." Dad laughs, "Ty you can't even take the trash out without being told to do so five times; what's gonna change that?" I scoff and leave the dining room without a word. "Ty!" I hear behind me after shutting my door. "Not interested Grey."


"Goodnight honey, I love you." Grandma says to my dad behind the door. "Bye mama bear. I love you." He states. I hear the door shut behind her and Grandpa. There's then a knock at mine, "Ty, open up." I sigh, and slide out of bed. I open the door, "What do you want?" Alec looks away, "I wanted to know if you'd like to come to work with me?" I look into my room, glance at my clock and shake my head, "It's nine-thirty; I'm going to bed soon." He nods, "Alright son. Well, goodnight. I love you." I nod, "Love you too." I shut the door and lie back down. My phone beeps and I smile. Penelope and I have been talking for a couple hours now. She's hilarious, smart and plain out amazing. I laugh at her contact name as I read the message;

Piggy: wht ur gma say abt the painting?

Me: She cried

Piggy: REALLY? Good cry or was it so ugly she couldn't lie and say it was good :D

I laugh out loud, roll over onto my stomach and start to type.

Me: The latter. She hated it.

Piggy: Whatever.

Me: No really.

My phone starts to buzz and Carry On starts to play. She's calling me. She fell for it! I swipe the answer button, "Dude! I'm so sorry!" She yells at the other end. I laugh, "Pen I was just kidding!" She swears under her breath, "Don't do that to a person! I actually thought your grandmother hated your painting." I laugh, "Even if she did, she's had plenty of practice to lie about it. My aunt is a terrible artist." She laughs. I clear my throat, "Hey I have a question." I hear a thud in the background and she swears, "I have an answer." I sigh, "Is your brother hiring?" She laughs, "Why? You want to work with him?" I open my mouth to answer when the music in the background stops and she starts to talking; but not to me. "... No... Okay... I will... I will!... Okay!" What I assume to be her bedroom door, slams shut. "Hey," She says quietly, "I should go." I sit straight up, "Are you alright. I mean, to be alone?" She laughs humorlessly, "Why? Are you gonna save me?" I look down at my foot and start picking at a scab I got while playing soccer, "I could." She sighs, "Good night Ty. See you tomorrow." I start to say the same thing, when the line is cut off. Instead, I say it to myself.


"Carry on my wayward son.." I let the song play out, like I usually do. While laying there contemplating on whether or not I should shower, I hear a thud in Greys' room. "Grey?" I hear Alec say in the hallway. I sit up, and listen. "Grey?" He knocks, and he continues to knock, "Grey!" He yells again. I stand up in a rush, tripping over my sheets that fell off the bed last night. I crawl towards the closet and push through the clothes. "Grey!" Alec screams, and I hear dad join him, "Grey honey open up!" Dad says calmly as possible, but the quiver in his voice says otherwise. I open her side of the closet door and slide through, hurting my shoulder all over again. "Grey?" I whisper. I sit up and search her room. I open her little bathroom and she's laying on the floor. My breath catches and I run towards her bedroom door. I unlock her door, an run back to her, not even bothering to tell them it's unlocked. She has no shirt on, but her chest is already wrapped for the day. The door is thrown open and Alec comes rushing in, before I can cover her. "Move!" He yells, and he elevates her head. he starts talking to himself; asking questions. "Blood? Swelling?" When he can't find anything he picks her up and takes her out of the room, leaving me alone.

It had been twenty minutes when I realized everyone was gone. I stood from Grey's bathroom floor and make my way to her door. I don't know what happened; and that's new. We tell each other everything and we haven't spoken in days. I'm nervous, I don't know what to do. All I know is; I need her to be okay. "Carry on my wayward son... There'll be peace when you are done... Lay your-" I pick up my phone, breathless; "Hello?" I look at the number and see dad calling, "Dad?" I continue to listen but I hear nothing. "Dad!?" I scream, and become frantic. I throw on a dirty pair of pants and slip into my shoes sock-less. "Ty?" I stop dead in my tracks, my breath catching. "Grey?" I listen to hear voices in the background. "Come on Grey, talk to me." I wait, I wait for something; anything. "Go to school Ty." She says, and the call ends. 

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