Chapter 7

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Me: Hve u heard anythng?

Dad: Ur fathers workin on it ty, focus on ur work

I look up from my desk, glance at my dad, whom is to busy messaging Alec to realize three students cheating on the exam, and clear my throat;

Me: Cheaters

Dad looks up in a rush and whistles, "Hey, spread out or get out!" I shake my head, glancing at Grey's seat before I look back down to my own test. I sigh in anger, tapping my pencil against my desk. I cannot remember shit. Someone kicks my desk and I glare in that general direction until I realize it's Penelope. My eyes soften and her eyes widen in defense, 'What's wrong?' she mouths, eyeing my test. I shrug, 'Nothing.' She raises an eyebrow, shaking her head, 'Liar.' I crack a smile, "I'll tell you later," I whisper, glancing down at my paper, and I suddenly remember how to do number one.

"Alright class I'll be sure to grade your tests over the weekend, have a good day!" Dad tries to get out before every student is gone, leaving me, my thoughts, and Penelope left. "Ty, come here please." He says formally, eyeing Penelope.

I shake my head, angry at how disrespectful he could be at a time like this, "Dad, this is my friend Penelope; now what's going on?" I say, resting my books on his desk. He sighs, "Tyrian, I'm not sure Grey would want her business-" Penelope cuts him off, "Oh no sir, I get it. I'll see you at lunch Ty." She scurries out before I can stop her; before I can stand up for her. I glare at my dad but remember what's a stake.


"What's Al-" I stop myself, and start again, "Father say about Grey?" Dad eyes me warily, "She's doing fine, but your father wants to do some tests." I nod, "When can we go?" He stands from his desk, picking up the lunch that Alec makes him every morning. "I'll be leaving when lunch starts." I nod, grabbing my phone, ready to text Penelope telling her I won't be there, when I hear him. "Wait? You?" I shove my phone back into my pocket, "You're joking?" He shakes his head, lifting his bag over his shoulder, centering the strap around his chest, "Ty, you've missed to much-" I step forward, slamming my hand on his desk, scaring a freshman walking in for his lunch detention, "Two days! Two days this entire year and that's too much!?" His face turns red, but he remains clam for show, "Ty, we'll speak about this later." I shake my head, so wanting to tell him that we won't speak later at all.

"So what's wrong?" Penelope asks. I slide down my chair, pushing my food away, "Nothing." She bites her lip and it reminds me of Jackie, "Okay." I take a breath and lean in towards her, "This morning," I look at her, needing her to know how important this is; me telling her. She nods, telling me she does. "This morning Grey went to the hospital, and I have no idea what's wrong with her. I should know, i'm her brother." She tilts her head sympathetically, "Ty, it's not your job to know everything that's going on in her life-" I sit up straight, back rigged, "It is! We've told each other everything for the last seventeen years and now-" I close my eyes, scared that I might actually cry. I don't know what's going on with my best-friend.

I open my eyes, Jackie's dick boyfriend staring at me, smirking; glancing at Penelope, "What's wrong fag? She doesn't like you back?" I look at him like he's stupid; because he is, "If you knew what actually came out of your mouth, you'd realize how retarded you are." He jerks up in his seat, his friend holding him back. I scoff, cracking a genuine smile; it's like every jock practices this in the mirror. 'Okay man, when I jump, you hold me back; it'll scare them.'

I chuckle, glancing at Penelope. Her face pale as she clings to her arms. I look in the direction she stares, and find myself face to face with Jackie, "Ty! Hi!" I sit back slowly, watching her every delicate move, "Hey Jack, what's up?" She grins at me and Penelope, and glares back at her boyfriend, "Apologizing on behalf of my boy-friend, what he said wasn't nice." Penelope scoffs under her breath and Jackie's lip twitches. I look from one to the other and shrug, "It's fine." Although the look Jackie sends Penelope tells me it's anything but fine.

She smiles, curtsies, and walks off; sitting back down by what's-his-face. Penelope hits my shoulder, I hiss in pain, "Ouch." She shrugs, "You're fine." I look at her, dumbfounded. "Is your brother hiring?" She laughs, "You're so random." I shrug, picking up a fry, to not eat it, "You love it." She takes the fry from me and throws it in her mouth, blushing lightly, "Sure I do pal. To answer your question, yes." I open my mouth, but she throws a fry in my face, waving it around before she chucks it between her lips, "Yet I highly doubt you'd like to work there. It doesn't pay well, the people who do go there are shitty people and complete outcasts." I smile, "My kind of people." She cracks a smile, a light dimple crossing her left cheek, "I'll talk to him okay?" I smile, kissing her cheek, "Thank you!" I stand up with the rest of the kids, glancing back to see Penelope throwing the food away.


"Hi, excuse me?" Aunt Chelsea turns an smiles wide, frowning at my eyes, "Boy you better not let Casey see you in those." I look around hastily, leaning in over the counter, "Is she here?" She laughs, "She'll be in later, her and Ex have a date and wants me to watch the little one." I nod, god they just keep having kids.

"Hows Grey?" She frowns slightly, pushing that smile back in place, where it should be. "She's good Ty, you should go home and do whatever kids do these days." I laugh, "Yeah totally, but seriously. Room number?" She glances down, biting her lip, telling me. I thank her and leave my bag at the desk.

"Grey, you need to speak to us about these pain levels okay? You need to tell us what's been going on." I hear Alec say behind the curtain. I think to butt in, but don't. I wait, "Grey please." He says lightly, a tone he's never used with me. My eyes sting and I look at the fluorescent light. "I'm okay father, I am, I just haven't had a period in a couple months." I wait, waiting for the doctors response, "Have you been seeing someone Grey?" I blink, taken back.

Has she?

"No, I'm not pregnant father." I frown, realizing that that wasn't the answer to his question, "I didn't ask you if you were pregnant Grey, as your father I'd like to know if you're dating anyone." I can practically hear her blink, "I'm not seeing anyone." The sheets move slightly, whether it's from my father or Grey, I wouldn't know. "Is everything okay with Ty?" I throw my head back, confused and angry. She's laying in the hospital bed and he's talking shit about me?

"Um? I don't really know." I close my eyes tightly, swearing under my breath. "What do you mean you don't really know? You two know each other better than the back of your hands." I hear her sigh, "Something happened along the way I guess." I close my eyes, biting my lip, tears forming.

"Hey kid!" I open my eyes, Uncle Exsavior meters away, "Hey Uncle Ex." He frowns, "Casey's right behind me kiddo." I swear, running into an empty room, as he laughs. I blink the tears away before taking out my contacts, throwing them away. I rub my eyes dry before leaving the room, grabbing my glasses out of my pocket. "Hey aunt Casey." She turns around, her five year old in hand, "Tyrian! How is my super star?" I crack a smile, bowing slightly, "Super as always." She smiles, setting down Charlie as he wiggles free, "Hey buddy." He runs over and jumps into my arms. I laugh, kissing his face. "Stop, I'm not a baby!" I act shocked, "You're not? I guess I'll just put you down then." He wraps his arms around me yelling out, "No!" We all widen our eyes, shushing him lightly. "This is the quiet hall buddy." He nods, I smile, uncovering his mouth. He smiles a toothy smile.

"What are you guys doing here?" I look to the right, Alec standing there, dad beside him. "Oh, we were dropping Charlie off." Alec nods, "Oh yeah Chels told me about that." He smiles, pulling Uncle Ex off to the side, laughing lightly. "So, how's Grey?" Casey asks dad urgently.

Casey and Grey have always been close, as much as I am to my Uncle Tyler, dads twin brother, Chelsea's husband. "She's doing fine. She's quiet, but she's fine. We're waiting for some tests back, looking for drugs-" Now is a good time to butt in, "Drugs? Are you serious?" I bark. They all look at me, caught off guard, as if I wasn't there five seconds ago. "Grey doesn't do drugs!" Alec steps forward, "How would you know? She says you haven't spoken to her in days." I shake my head, "I don't care what she says about me, I'm not about to let you talk shit about her like you talk shit about me." I shove passed him, into Grey's room, shutting the door behind me.

"Ty?" I turn around, trying to catch my breath when the sight of her takes it all away. "Grey what the hell?" I cry out, running to her side, rubbing her cheek lightly, "Tell me what's wrong with you," I lean in, setting my forehead against hers, "Now."

Her lip quivers, "I'm on hormones." I sit down on the bed and stare at her, "What?"

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