Chapter 5

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The final bell rings and I stand from my chair, turning in my last test of the day. "Ms. Watches, can I speak to you for a moment?" She looks at me over her bifocals. "What can I help you with Tyrian?" I sit next to her, lean in as to make sure she hears me, "I was wondering if you could help me with something. I'd like to finish the painting that's do for my fathers class, but I don't have the time. I was wondering; if perhaps I could turn in the essay next Tuesday?" She bites her lip, and her eyes twinkle. Which, over the course of four months, I've found that that means yes. "Oh alright. As long as your writing is as good as your painting." I smile, "It'll be better ma'am. I can assure you of that." She laughs, and shoos me away. Although she's older than my parents combined, I like her. She seems to be more understanding than most.

I throw my calculus book in the bottom of my locker and squat to grab the notebook under it. Shoving the notebook in my bag was worse than it should have been. "You ready to go?" Penelope asks from behind my locker. I jump, and look at her; expecting Grey; but not disappointed. "Uh, yeah. Have you seen my sister?" She shakes her head, "Nope. To be fair, I don't even know if we have a class together." I chuckle, and shut my locker; throwing my bag over my shoulder. "Yeah I guess not." I laugh, while digging my chin into my shoulder blade. Where is she?

I open the door and walk out after Penelope, "Hey Piggy, oink oink!" Some freshman calls out. His face scrunched up and his eyes closed. I laugh, but stop once I see Penelopes' face. I inhale, "I'm sorry. Its' just, did you see his face? What a loser." She shrugs, and resets her backpack, "Pretty sure I'm the loser in this equation." I stop short, and look at her. "Hey. You're not a loser." She actually smiles. I scoff, "I'm not kidding Penelope." She ignores it and continues to walk off, "Are we going to your house or not?" She stops, like she suddenly remembers something, "I uh. I'm sorry, you can't come over." I didn't expect that as an answer, "Wait what? Why not?" She turns around, but continues to walk, "That my friend, is none of your business." She states as she walks off. I sigh, and hitch my bag onto my back, walking around aimlessly for about and hour until I realize I should be home. I swear under my breath and run towards my bike. I had agreed to walk with Penelope to her house, fully expecting to come back to school to get my bike afterwards. I hadn't realized that Greys' bike wasn't in the lock with mine as it usually is. I frown, where is she? I sigh, open the padlock and jump onto my bike. 


"Ty!" I hear from behind the front door. Glad to see them waiting for me. I slide through the front door and head to my room when Jace stops me, "You think that this is a game?! You can't just skip school, show up late and expect us not to care!" I stop, "I skipped yesterday! Real glad to see you noticed dad, really! Back off! I didn't do anything wrong." He throws his head back laughing, "Skipping school isn't wrong?" I drop my bag onto the nearby couch, "I got all my work in on time dad. It's not a big deal." He shakes his head, disappointed; once again. "That's not the point Tyrian." I cry out, "Then what is the point Jace!? What's the point in getting straight A's and turning all my work in and missing ONE day of school a year?! What's the point!? If all it does, is disappoint you?" I breath in, and pick my bag up. "If you'll excuse me, I have homework." 

Throwing my physics book across my room seemed like a good idea until I actually did it. "Ty. Your dad doesn't appreciate you calling him Jace." I sigh, completely ignoring the voice behind the door. Alec pops his head into my bedroom, "You okay?" I sigh, and squat; snatching my book up from the floor, "spectacular." I hear my father lean up against my door, "Ty, listen." I turn, "Father; just... I'm sorry okay? I'm having a bad week. This girl I like turned out to be a major jerk, or so i'm told. It's confusing. Finals are next week. Penelope is having a hard time with the entire school for some reason and I don't know how to help her." Alecs' brows furrow, "Just be careful with her, okay?" Like usual! He didn't hear a damn thing I said unless it pertained to her! I nod, "You got it." He smiles, "Dinners done." I shake my head, "I had a big lunch." No, I didn't. I just don't want to eat, in fear of puking. He smiles, "Okay. Make sure you have breakfast tomorrow." I nod, "Will do." 


"Ty. Can I come in?" Grey states from behind the tiny door in my closet. "Are you going to tell me what's going on." I ask. "No," She says, without dread. I shake my head, even though she can't see me, an state sadly; "Then no. You can't come in." She bangs against the closet, "Come on Ty! Just let me in!" I sit up straight an exhale, "Nope. Go away, talk to your buddy." She sighs, "What is that suppose to mean?" She asks menacingly. "Well you're not talking to me, or dad an you're sure as hell not talking to Alec; so you must have a new friend." I say just as rude. I wait several seconds before I conclude her departure. I lay back down, breathing; contemplating on whether or not I should go apologize. At the conclusion, theres a knock at my door, "Dinner!" I lean to my right, "I already ate!" I practically see dad shrug with disinterest, "Your grandparents are coming over!"

I sit up, an throw my jeans back on.


"So? How are my beautiful grandchildren?" My grandma asks, pinching my cheeks. I laugh while grabbing her hand, "Great mama bear. Great. How about you? What's it been, forty sum years you an gramps been together?" She gasps, "Something like that, an I can't believe you remembered!" I scoff, retrieving the box from my pocket, "Of course I remembered, are you kidding me?" I lay the key on her hand, "Here you go mama bear." Her lips wobble, "Well, dear what's this?" I smile, "The key to the garage. You should go an see what i've been working on." An that's the real reason I couldn't finish dads painting. Maybe he'll give me a little credit. Looking up I see everyone looking at me in shock. Maybe because i'm the only one, besides my grandparents, who remembered their anniversary. Alec looks at me with tenderness, perhaps realizing for the first time, I'm not completely useless. Dad, looks at me with wonder; like he couldn't possibly think that I'd ever do something for someone other than myself. Jokes on him. Grey simply looks bored. Ever sense the news, we've gone in separate ways, even if I beg to go down the same road.

"So, dinner?" Dad says to grandpa, trying to get rid of the attention I had. I stand tall an make my way out to the garage.

"Ty, Hun... I don't know what to say." My grandmother whispers to herself, on her knees clutching her chest. I race over to her, "Grandma are you alright?" She smiles an shoos my concern away, "How?" She asks, touching the painting. I shrug, "Dad's always told me an Grey about you guys. What you use to look like, your unnatural beauty." I wink at her, wiping her tear away, "Which hasn't change." She rolls her eyes, an I continue, "After your house burnt down, I thought you might want a picture of you an gramps." She nods, her mouth shaking, not quite able to still. "Grandma, I love you." She smiles, grateful that there's no need to talk, an lays her head on my shoulder. "Your dad wants-" Gramps stops. He walks over an stares at the painting, "Tyrian, this has to be the most beautiful thing i've ever seen." However, because he's gramps an doesn't want to feel anything, he smiles, "I looked so good back then." His wife laughs, an stands up; walks over to him an kisses him. I don't cringe or look away, I embellish in the fact that their still so much in love. "Jace wants to know what's taking-" Alec stops, "Holy shit Ty." He says, then slaps his hand over his mouth, "Ty, this is amazing." I shrug, "Thanks." He watches my shoulder shrug an locks his jaw, "Dinner is done." He walks back inside an my grandparents follow; leaving me in the garage all alone, contemplating on whether or not to just steal the car twelve feet away. I choose another time, gather my pride; an walk into the house.

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