Chapter 12

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////Ty's POV////

"I'm in the hospital for half a week and you rent out my room." Grey says, looking at her bed, bags thrown everywhere. "Well to be fair we didn't rent it out, we let her stay for free." Grey chuckles, shaking her head. "They found out, Ty." She says quietly. I nod, "I know," I say just as soft. She sets her bags down and moves some of Penelope's, and offers me a seat. "You think they'll talk to me?" I sit next to her, "Depends," She flinches, "On what?" I grab her hand, "On whether or not you talk to them. Tell them when you started to feel this way, tell them everything. Tell them about the girl at school." I try bringing her up, I want to find out, for Justin. 

"I don't think I can. I don't know when I felt like this, I have always felt like this, I never liked dressing up, putting makeup on with Aunt Casey, going shopping with Aunt Chelsea. I never liked any of that. I liked hanging with you and Uncle Tyler and you and Justin. Speaking of Aunt Casey, I told her." I look at her, "You told her? What did she say?" Grey shrugs, I bite my lip, I'm really starting to hate that. "She cried, and hugged me. She said that I reminded her a lot of someone that Father use to know. She said that no matter what everyone in this family will love me." She looks at me, "Love us." I scoff, "Yeah, right. I can't do shit without getting yelled at." 

Grey sits up, "Have you thought about what dad and father have been through? I mean, we never thought twice about their life. Did you know Father lost a friend? she killed herself, for Uncle Tyler. I didn't know that. Uncle Exsavior's sister, their parents, died. Uncle Ex doesn't have anyone anymore, no one but this family that they made when they were kids. I didn't know any of this, I didn't know anything, because I was to busy being spoiled and hating myself." I shake my head, "You shouldn't hate yourself. You're trans, not Hitler." She shakes her head, "I was on the wrong hormones. I got them from a friend. I needed my own, I needed to talk with an actual doctor, Our doctor." I crack a smile, "Too bad that's dad." She nods, "Exactly, that's why I didn't say anything, to anyone. Not even to you." She shakes her head, "I know I should have said something, to someone. But I couldn't, I felt worthless. The girl I liked? Laughed in my face. Called me an it. You'd think that the LGBTQIA community would be more friendly." I nod, "I'm sure their not all like that." She rolls her eyes, "God I hope so." 

"So, if you're a guy, then does that mean you're straight?" I ask quietly. She looks at me, "I don't know, I look at a lot of people everyday and i'm not attracted to anyone. I could be Asexual." I nod, "And whats that?" She shrugs, "To sum it up? I don't like anything." I laugh, "Is that an actual thing?" She nods, "What did you think the A stood for?" I think for a second, "Ally?" She tilts her head, "I suppose it could, but no. Asexual." 


"What are you thinking right now?" I ask dad. Grey was right, I haven't been fair to either one of them, at all. "Thinking about your friend." My head tilts in shock, "You are?" He nods, "Your father talked to her, and you were right about her. There are things we didn't know about her." I shake my head, "She told you?" He sighs, "I guess she knew that we wouldn't take her in if we didn't know what was going on, so yes; she told us what was going on." I stand up, "Well, what the hell," I pace the room, "She hasn't told me shit, like anything at all." Dad sits there quietly, "I wouldn't either." I look at him, and he interrupts me before I can say anything, "And before you swear more, it's not because I wouldn't trust you. It's because it's serious shit." Great.
I'm too tired to fight, so I lean against the wall and fall to my ass, "What am I suppose to do?" Dad looks at me, with great pity in his eyes. No, not pity; understanding. "You're in love with her aren't you?" Uhm, "No, dad she's my friend. I care about her, I care about what happens to her. That doesn't mean I love her." Does it? 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2016 ⏰

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