Luna Lovegood X Fem Reader ( Harry Potter)

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I haven't done a Harry Potter oneshot yet so heres a Luna lovegood x Fem reader one for you

Summary : so Y/N is getting hit on by a guy who likes her and Y/N is like nope 'I'm gay' and kisses luna on the lips


Third person pov...

"Hey Y/N, how arw you this fine day?" asks a Random Gryffindor boy standing in front of Y/N.

'I hate this guy' thought Y/N as she suffered through listening to the Gryffindor fifth year who keeps flirting with her.

She Glances at her secret Girlfriend Luna with Pleading eyes but the Ravenclaw doesn't move to help her Girlfriend.

Y/N then snapped back to the guy in front of her as he asks her the dreaded question.

"so Y/N will you go go Hogsmeade with me this weekend" he bravely asks her.

Y/N is shocked 'is he really so stupid that he doesn't know I'm Gay' Thought Y/N trying to believe this guy.

A hand was waved in front of her face it was the gryffindor boy - who's name she doesn't know-was was quite visibly nervous.

'Jeez' thought Y/N she glanced back over at Luna who was 'reading' her book but Y/N knows she has been listening.

"Umm... NOPE! Sorry I don't swing that way-" interrupting herself, she looked around and stepped backwards towards luna.

Y/N grabbed lunas Arm and pulled her protectively into her arms.

"-Also I'm Gay-" she kisses Luna deeply on the lips before turning to the shell shocked Gryffindor.

" - and this is my Girlfriend of Two years, Luna Lovegood" Finished Y/N smirking at him.

Luna then poked the gryffindor boy who fell over in a dead faint as she did, Y/N snorted at what she did.

"you knie dear you didn't have ti be so dramatic about it" said Luna softly as she turned back to her Girlfriend.

Instead of answering Y/N grinned and held lunas hand as the walked to their next class.

Leaving the Gryffindor alone in the corridor unconscious.

The end

Hope you liked this chapter it was fun to write for Luna. Don't forget to comment characters and ideas for me to write please!

Word count: 380

(FINISHED)Lesbian/Bisexual Oneshots(Gay/lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now