Madam Red X Fem Reader (Black Butler)

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Summary: At the Viscounts ball Ciel meets his aunts girlfriend for the first time.

Third person pov...

As Ciel, Sebastian, Lau, Madam Red and Grelle arrive at the Viscounts Ball another carriage stops next to them and someone gets out.

They watch as the person walks out of the carriage, Madam Red smiles as she walks over and helps the person out she was a woman and wore a beautiful blue dress much like Madam Reds.

As she stepped down she helped Madam Reds outstretched hand and giggles "Thank you Red" she siad kissing the other woman's cheek in thanks. "No problem love" said Madam Red, both woman surprised the men.

"What is going on?" Demanded Ciel he saw the look the two shared and he knew something was going on with them.

"Oh yes Ciel darling this is Y/N L/N my girlfriend" Explained Madam Red making Y/N blush bright red she still wasn't used to being called Reds Girlfriend but she liked it.

"Hello Ciel, Red has told me all about you" said Y/N kindly as she smiled at Ciel she treated him like an adult instead of a child which made Ciel respect her.

"Hn very well, nice to meet you Miss" he said before the group walked in with Madam Red and Y/N holding hands as they walked making sure everyone knew they were together.

The end!

So sorry for this one being shirt I didn't have many ideas for this one but I stil love Madam Red and just had to write this for her.

Requests are open!

Word count: 270

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