Natasha Romanoff X Fem Reader (Marvel)

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Natasha Romanoff X Fem reader (Marvel)

Summary: Its Natasha and Y/Ns wedding day all their friends and family are there for them.

This idea was requested by avengers_stories16


Third person pov…

It was a perfect summer day on Y/Ns and Natasha’s wedding, just last year Natasha proposed to Y/N and now here they are about to be wed.

since Y/N did not have her father to walk her down the aisle Tony offered to walk her.

Lots of their friends and family came, clint also brought his wife Laura and kids cooper, Lila and baby Nathaniel.

It was a huge surprise when the director of S.H.E.I.L.D came to it Natasha and Y/N were happy he came.

It was now time for Tony to walk Y/N down the aisle, both Y/N and Natasha are very nervous but excited to be married.

As the ceremony began Natasha stood by the officiator looking at the door awaiting Y/N and Tony to walk in.

Outside the door stood the wife to be, she was panicking and beside her was Tony who was trying to calm her down.

newsflash it was not working to well for Tony’s liking at all.

“I don’t think I can do this Tony” whispered Y/N harshly to Tony as she paced back and forth in front of the doors.

Y/N had thought of so many things that could go wrong when she walked in that she had a mental list in her head.

Sighing softly Tony grabbed Y/Ns forearms to stop her pacing as it was making him dizzy.

“Y/N stop and listen to me please” he yelled Y/N then shut her mouth and began listening to Tony.

“now you are going to be okay you know how much Natasha loves you right” Y/N nodded along with his words.

“you two have been together for 5 years and now you are making it official” he continued with his speech.

“remember how she proposed again” he said making Y/N smiled at the memory.

Flash back…

It was last year when Steve and the others brought up the subject of marriage as clint was married and so was Tony, Y/N had noticed how tense Natasha looked when the subject came up.

“who do you think will get married next?” Steve asked everyone.

“I think Steve and Sharon will” yelled Tony pulling out a few dollar bills and slamming them hard on the table.

“Oh yeah! well I think that Bruce and Betty will tie the knot soon” yelled Clint as he too slammed money on the table.

the others soon joined in while Y/N and Natasha just shook their heads and smiled at their friends.

Natasha then pulled something small out of her pocket and looked at it before standing up from the table as she did this everyone else stopped what they were doing to look.

Natasha then turned to Y/N who was very confused.

She then got on one knee and opened it up it was a ring! As Y/N looked at the ring she realised what was happening.

“Y/N L/N since the first I met you I loved you from the very beginning even when you did nothing but try cringy pick up lines on me, as you know I’m not that good with this sort of things so here goes, will you Marry me?” as Natasha finished her speech she looked up to Y/N and saw her nod her head.

Smiling Natasha then stood up the put the ring on Y/Ns finger they kissed, the others all began cheering loudly for both women.

End of flashback…

Y/N had calmed down by the time Tony had finished the story.

She looked at Tony with a determined expression and they walked through the doors and to Natasha.

Time skip…

“You may now kiss the bride”. 

As these words left the officiators mouth Y/N and Natasha kissed passionately, grinning they briefly pulled apart grinning at each other.

“I love you”.


The end!

This was fun to write hope you liked it the only wedding I have ever gone to that I remember is my Aunt and Uncles wedding from years ago, so I am sorry if I got something wrong.

(p.s I wrote it on my laptop last night instead of on my phone)

Word count: 741

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