Poison Ivy X Fem Reader (DC)

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Ivy has been requested a couple of times already so here she is!

Summary : Ivy is fighting Batman just as he lands in one of her traps her Girlfriend Y/N comes home and Lectures Ivy on trapping Batman.


Third person pov...

Ivy has him now.

Batman had come by Gotham Botanical Gardens for information on Jokers latest attacks on Gotham City just as he arrived the vigilante walked into a trap.

"I've got you now Batman!" cried Ivy as she jumped from the rafters she  knew Batman would come to her looking for answers.

Batman struggled with the vines wrapping tightly around him.

Ive smirked "I know why your here Batman" she said smirking as the helpless Hero, she continued knowing he won't say anything.

"you are here to get information about The Joker from me" she taunts him as she walked around him slowly.

"I was bored anyway so you have given me something to do" she said Laughing.

The vines holding Batman then broke Ivy covers her eyes as parts of the vines land everywhere, while she was talking Batman had used one of his Baterangs to cut through the vines.

Angry at him hurting her babies Ivy shoots her hand crossbow at him 

But he flips out of the way, Ivy growls frustrated with him and Jumps up into the rafters again as she does this the outside door making her way home is Y/N L/N.

Y/N looks around confused. "why is the Batmobile parked outside" mutters Y/N to herself, she then slaps herself mentally 'of course he's here about the Joker' she thought.

Sighing heavily Y/N carries the shopping inside eager to see her love, as she walks in an Arrow is shot past her and lands in the wall next to her, missing her face by an inch.

Eye twitching in anger and frustration Y/N slams the food on the table, the loud sound made Ivy and Batman stop fighting.

"seriously! I leave for 30 minutes and you two arw Fighting" she yelled vein twitching in her forehead.

Sighing she Place a hand in her head a headache growing "Y/N! It's not my fault he came barging in to our home" argued Ivy making Y/N groan.

"okay but did you have to fight" asked Y/N. "couldn't of you two talk instead of fighting" argued Y/N, this made Ivy pout and cross her arms.

While Batman just looked confused at the two woman, "Maybe" pouted Ivy as Y/N sighed once again at her girlfriend.

Slowly Batman vanished into the shadows and drove away from the botanical gardens.

The end!

Hope you liked this one, I love poison Ivy she is one of my Gotham Villains

Word count : 465

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