Sara Lance X fem Reader (Arrow)

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As I said before here's Sara Lance. I was so sad when they killed of Sara in Arrow, like literally I was so deviated so... I wrote this for her (I cried alot when she died 😭)

Anyway enough of my rambling here's the oneshot!

Summary: Y/N surprises Sara in Starling City.

Oliver gets angry, Y/N almost gets shot with an Arrow, lots happens.

Third person pov...

After stopping Count Vertigo again Team Arrow finally able to relax till morning.

As they arrived at the Verdant they walked to the basement, tired from all the fighting.

When they got to the basement Oliver saw the door was unlocked and the lights were switched on.

Oliver motioned to everyone to be quiet and be armed in case there's a threat.

He then opened the door and then drew back an Arrow as they ran down the stairs and into their base.

As everyone ran Sara Sighed and watched it play out.

To the others shock there was a female with (Long/ Short) (H/C/) Hair, sitting on top of the examining table.

She was on her phone sitting in the table swinging her legs obviously waiting for someone.

"who the hell are you and why are you here!" Demanded Oliver making the girl curse and drop her phone.

"Shit!" she exclaimed jumping of the table to get her phone, once she got it she stood back up.

She looked up and saw Team Arrow in front of her looking at her like she was a treat.

"Hey, took you long enough" she said Grinning.

Sara sighed again but was now smiling, the (H/C) girl then noticed Sara standing behind the others.

Grinning widely still, the mysterious girl ran over to Sara and into her arms.

Sara then spun her around both of them laughed happy while the others looked on dumbfounded.

"Excuse me!" yelled Oliver again scaring everyone in the room at the force in his voice.

Sara then let the girl go, "Oh yeah everyone this is Y/N L/N" said Sara finally Introducing her friend.

"Y/N these are my friends, Oliver Queen, Roy Harper, John Diggle and Felicity Smoak"

Said people waved at Y/N, "Hi" she grinned waving excitedly.

"so how do you two know each other" asked Roy Just as confused as everyone else.

Y/N turned to Sara a teasing look on her face, "Sara!" she exclaimed "you didn't tell them" she yelled as Sara blushed.

"it's completely slipped my mind" Sara confessed rubbing the back of her head awkwardly.

"I'm Saras girlfriend nice to meet ya!" Y/N giggled at the shocked faces of team Arrow.

"wow way to go Y/N" laughted Sara as everyones mouths had dropped open in shock.

"Hey guys how was the mission" it was Laurel she had walked down to the basement.

She stopped in shock when see spotted Y/N, They screamed loudly before running to each other.

"Y/N!" "Laurel!" the spoke at the same time.

Laughing Laurel spoke "its been so long since you last visited" exclaimed the lawyer.

"I know Im sorry I've been busy lately in Metropolis" Y/N explained as they let go.

As the night went on the team learnt more about Y/N and Her relationship with Sara.

The end! 

Finished! Finally I've been meaning to write this for a few days now so sorry for the wait.

. Hope you liked this oneshot

Word count : 581

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