Lila Barton X Fem Reader (Marvel)

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Summary: Y/N meets the Avengers when she is over at the Bartons house, Lilas Dad and Aunt (Natasha) learn more about their daughter.

Third person pov....

As Lila and Y/N open the door the first thing they see are the Avengers standing in the living room. "Whaa" Exclaimed Y/N her eyes going wide with surprise while Lila grins at them.

Since they first met the Avengers have been coming over at lot more to the Bartons over the years and all three kids have grown very fond of them.

"Hey guys, this is Y/N" said Lila introducing the other girl to the hero's, Y/N waves nervously to them when she sees Black Widow and how she is watching her a Lilas hands as they were holding hands when they came in.

"Nice to meet you all" she said, before Lila pulled her upstairs and into her bedroom. Lila flopped onto her bed while Y/N took the floor she was paranoid that Black Widow now knew they are dating.

"Wow I can't believe they are here again, I haven't seem them in months" Exclaimed Lila grinning while Y/N was still paranoid.

Time skip...

When dinner came around it was rather hard to fit everyone around the table so the children ate at the table with Laura and Clint while the Avengers eat in the living room on rhe sofas.

"I swear Lila and Y/N are a lot closer than friends" Natasha mutters to Clint while they do the washing up, she dries and Clint washes. At the red head words Clint drops a glass he just cleaned back into the sink.

"You what!?" He exclaimed blue eyes wide with surprise. Natasha rolls her eyes at her best friend. "I said I think Lila and Y/N are a lot closer than friends" she repeated, looking in the Living room where Lila and Y/N where lounging on the couch together.

"You know I've noticed the difference in their friendship" mused Clint after thus talk the two decided to keep it between themselves incase they were wrong. But as the night went on their suspicions became more true.

Once Y/N and Lila were comfortable they acted like they always did together lovey dovey. Neither girl new they were being watched by two Assasins.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot, sorry for it being short don't Have many ideas at the minute.

Word count: 415

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