Nymphadora Tonks X Fem Reader (Harry Potter) Pt 2

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SO a Few of you have been requesting a part 2 for Tonks and don't get me wrong I love Tonks as well I'm just literal crap at Writing Smut and I'm Asexual here won't be alot of smutt obviously.

Old Summary : Remus brings his younger Sister to the headquarters of the order of the phoenix, Y/N ends up Meeting Nymphadora Tonks.

New summary : after the meeting Y/N and Tonks get to know each other more with Acohol involved.

This is for Bumblebeelupinblack and tonksisaqueen️‍ who both requested a Pt 2 for Tonks!


Start of recap...

at her voice Y/N picked her head up from the table and looked at Tonks.

‘shes pretty’ they both thought

blushing they looked away from each other , “Y/N Lupin nice to meet ya” said Y/N grinning

“Nymphadora Tonks, Sirius’ cousin” said Tonks grinning back.

She could tell they would become great friends.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

"I believe that is all for this meeting everyone" Dumbledore says as everyone stands and begins to leave.

Y/N hadn't been listening at all during the meeting instead she was watching Tonks

Remus left the Kitchen with Sirius and they went upstairs to 'talk' Y/N could tell her Brother and Sirius where together.

As everyone else left Grimmuld place the only two left sitting was Y/N and Tonks.

Both girls were silent before Tonks jumped up and ran to the cupboards looking for something.

She soon found it and dragged Y/N to the lounge they then sat I nthe living room together.

Y/N on the sofa with Tonks next tto her in the Armchair.

"I knew Sirius his his stash somewhere" Tonks explained to Y/N who's face held a confused expression before she smiled.

"haha, if he asks your telling" she said sticking her toungue out at Tonks making the metamorphus blush.

They then decided to play a game of sets where they ask each other questions and if they don't answer they Drink and if they do they drink all of their drink.

Basically they are going to get super drunk either way.

Tonks went first

"so do you like the weird Sisters" ~ Tonks

Y/N points to her t-shirt "Of course I do"

Both girls smile at each other, Y/Ns turn.

"Did you go to Hogwarts" ~ Y/N

"Yep proud Hufflepuff!" ~ Tonks

As they did this they moved closer to each other, they we almost sitting on the floor, knees touching.

"how long have you known Sirius for" ~ Tonks

"Well I've *hiccup* I've known him since I met him at Diagon Alley when I was out with my friends and saw my brother and the Marauders" ~ Y/N

They smiled at each other and both managed to fall of the sofa and chair, laughing they laid on the floor before sitting up.

Not realising how close they are, coughing Y/N blushed and looked away.

"so what about you how did you meet them" ~ Y/N

Before she answered Tonks burst out in laughter "haha that one of my best memories of them when I was a kid" ~Tonks

"okay so when I-i was a kid my Mum used get Sirius the baby sit me *hiccup * when I was 5 he came I've to Baby sit me and brought James and Remus" ~Tonks

"haha Oh no what did you do!" ~ Y/N

At this point both girls were pretty drunk but still talked and drank.

"haha well I made them play dress up with me~" ~ Tonks

They were silent for a good minute before they both bursted out in laughter, both fell over.

"Bahahahaha oh my goddd haha Remus never told me about that!" laughed Y/N falling backwards.

Tonks laughed and ended up falling forward into Y/N, they landed on the floor.

Y/N underneath Tonks they were both still laughing, as they stopped they realised what position they were in.

Tonks looked at Y/Ns face and lips, they edged closer before they kissed softly before they broke apart.

They kissed again this time harder and not a soft,still laying now Y/N wrapped her arms around Tonks shoulders and brought her closer.

Tonks laughed as they broke apart for air her breath brushed Y/Ns ear making Y/N blush and groan.

They looked at each other again, Tonks hnd brauhed against Y/Ns skin under her shirt.

This made Y/N shiver with pleasure, just as she was going to tkae her shirt of they were interrupted by a voice.

It came from the door next to them.

"HA! I fucking new it you owe me 10 galleons Moony"

"yeah yeah why do I even bother betting with you Padfoot"

It was Y/Ns brother and Tonks' cousin, both Girls blushed at the position they were in.

The two men then walked away laughing not the least fased at what they saw.

"so where were we" Muttered Y/N as she pulled Tonks back to her.

"Dora~" ~ Y/N

Tonks then blushed and they spent the night not sleeping.

The end!

Yep no Lemon so sorry i odnt write that stuff, bit this is a far as I will go.

Anyway hope you liked this oneshot for Tonks!

Requests are always open!

Ps holy shit! 1000 words what the Fuck!!

Word count : 1000

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