Talk with siblings

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Amity POV still
I went in the front door to everyone inside upstairs except for Em who was sitting on the couch with her scroll. Emira never left her room except for when our parents weren't around. "Hey Emira, what are you doing." She looked up at me and gasped. "Mittens are you ok, man what happened to you?" "Nothing much, just had a mental breakdown, got in an argument with Luz, and I am about to go get myself disowned by our parents." I said walking to the stairs. "What! Amity hang on come back here!" She requested spinning a blue circle so her her scroll would disappear. I walked over to her and sat down on the couch. "Ok 1 what happened with you and Luz." She put a hand on my shoulder comfortingly. "2 why are you about to get disowned." She asked raising an eyebrow. "Me and Luz got into a fight after I acted like we didn't hook up last night, and I was mad because  she left me for 4 years and then said I was the one hurting Her." I let out a sigh, "but I guess that was kinda not fair. I mean it wasn't her fault and-." I was cut off by Emira. "Hang on, hang on. you guys hooked up! Like.." she started making really wired hand gestures. "ya know?" I blushed with embarrassment seeing what she was getting at, and slowly nodded looking away. She let out a happy squeal. "Oh my Titan, mittens congratulations." Edric teased, suddenly behind me. I jumped back almost falling of the couch. "Whare the hell did you come from!" I asked. He sighed sadly. "The closet." He said. "Me to Ed, me to" I related. Emira nodded in agreement.

I got up from the couch. "Ok I can to this." I whispered with determination. Ed and Em both put a hand on my shoulder. "You can do this Mittens, we believe in you." Em said with a smile. "Yea we are always going to be your family." Ed said. "And, you will always be our baby sister." Emira continued squishing my face. They both hugged me. When they let go I smiled at them and walked to the stairwell. "Best situation they drop dead as soon as you tell them." Edric called up to me. "We can only hope." Emira added as I continued to walk up the stairs. I paused and looked back at them. "Worst outcome is they murder me. So not to bad." I nervously joked giving them a thumbs up. With that I made it to my mom's office. I could hear her and Father arguing. I took a deep breath and wiped out my scroll sending a text to Luz. 'Keep the bed warm for me. I'm going to come home to you tonight.' I sent it not waiting for a response I put my scroll away and opened the door to the office.
(Hey hey 👋 I really miss my girl it's been a week, when you are reading this probably more 🥺.)

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