Who are you?

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Hey guys So this is the only picture I have as a description and this artist is amazing on TikTok . The artists credit is the description.

Another boring day for another boring high schooler aka me .
Going through his usual routine in a pace of a dying turtle. Hinata is currently deciding whether or not going out for the weekend is currently on his To Do list ;). Knowing full well his work is being dealt with from his most trusted colleagues . Should he visit to make sure everything is going smoothly? Or should he continue with his false lies just to please his father?

Huffing a big breath he glances at his side currently sitting on his bed duvet. Half dressed so early in the morning and contemplating his life choices .
He brings up a toned arm up to massage his temples. His upcoming headache screwing up his morning from all the stress weighing on him.
If I visit just for a few hours I can be able to have a little bit of "fun". Resistance is futile.
Giggling to himself and shaking his bed head he glances at his clock. Glaring at the mini gadget and hoping to burn it to smithereens.
In need of a desperate stress reliever he raises his hands to type in those few words his coworkers are always dying to hear, on his phone. Men I'm coming home please prepare for tonight's events. Sending a curt message only they would be able to understand. "Time to party"
And oh what a night it's going to be. Letting a coy smile appear on his soft facial features. I can't wait for the events ahead. I just know my men won't let me down. Glancing once more at the clock.
Shit now I'm late.
Throwing on the remaining articles of clothing and gathering his school supplies he rushes outside. Ignoring his gut feeling that he's forgetting to do something. Something to crucial to not be over looked. As he bikes his way to school at top speed . Parking and locking his bike, he continues to rush to first period. Already missing his favorite sport he practically runs straight into the sliding doors before him.
Hands on his knees he catches his breath. Feeling a tad bit too old for his age.
Irritation already ticking on his forehead. He unknowingly slams the classroom door open.
Numerous eyes look up to peer at the boy before class . Wondering who would cause such a commotion so early in the morning. Multiple voice can be heard whispering about the boy in front of class.
-Oh wow who's that's?
-New kid?
-Where do you think foreign country?
-Nahh man judging from his piercings he's definitely a gangster.
- dude yea right someone as gorgeous as him can't be one . I think he's a model end of story.

Hinata who is still standing looks over to his teacher and bows. Quietly trying to hear snippets of conversation and wondering who's the new kid everyone's whispering about.
I'm sorry it won't happen again pleading with his orangish hazel eyes he bends forward at a 90• angle to his teacher once more.
Nothing but confusion was shown back. Excuse me but who are you? Are you new to this class roaster. If so no one has told me about the upcoming changes regarding transfers. Flipping through papers flushing beet red and trying to decide if it was a mistake on her end.
No ma'am I've been here at the start of the year. Um miss I'm Hinata , Hinata Shoyo. Rubbing his neck and giving off a cheeky smile he tilts his head to the side currently wondering what's going on in the teachers mind these days. Striding forward to get to his desk he passes hushed whispers around him.
- hinata ? Nooooo HINATA?!!
- wow what a transformation I didn't even know that was him.
- dude no way that's crazy he looks totally badass . To think he was someone new.

Curiosity always gets the best of high schools. And since he's one of them now he curtly turns his head to the side already seated in the creaky desk. Opening his small mouth to ask his neighbor what's going on. Psttt what's going on ? Is it me or-is everyone looking at me? Lifting his eyebrows up in a questioning manner.
Bewilderment is shown on his classmates face . What was his name Akio?
Dude everyone's talking about your new makeover!! By the way why the sudden transformation ? Boredom reach your limits? Laughing out loud and earning a thwack to hinatas arms .

Eyes widening please please let it not be true he slowly lifts his arms up to his ears. Motherfucker, goddamn to all that's holy in this world.
I forgot to get ready !!

Whipping his head back and forth wondering if he still has a chance before Kageyamas and Tsukishima had a chance to see. Nope they've seen all right in all of my head to toe glory. Meeting two pairs of eyes to his right side.

Widened eyes are shown on both of his teammate face. Each holding a perplexed expression and another he can't quite make out from afar. Lust maybe? No has to be something else . Right?
Heaving a tired sign he raises his long sleeved arm .
Yes hinata do you have a question?
Um can I use the bathroom?
May you ? Lifting a knowing eyebrow to her student.
What a bitch...
Um "may" I use the bathroom miss ? Fidgeting in his seat to make it known he needs it right this instant.
Yes you may hinata.
Thank you Ms Hisako. Getting up from his desk he paces out the door and heads towards his destination.
Boys bathroom.
Bringing a fist up he slams the door open fuck me.
Both hands now grabbing the marble sink he glances up at his reflection. Studs still adorning his ears , hair in its combed back nature. Strands befalling his aggravated stress lines that are on his forehead. Giving himself a nasty glare and cussing his mirror image to oblivion.

You have got to be kidding me. How can I be so forgetful? Especially at times like these, we're it's crucial not to make mistakes. Never in his 18 years of living has he once revealed who he truly is. Countless roles he played and not one single screw up. I guess that's what I get for playing a 16 year old naive kid in high school. My act is bound to be broken somehow.
Few more hours than I'm done for the week . Slamming a fist down on the sinks edge. Groaning he pushes himself of and makes his way to the hellhole of a classroom. Better to handle the situation as is. No crying over spilt milk I assume.

Bringgggg bing brinnggg
Marks the end of the day . No more lectures and no more hours , dying of boredom. Weaving his way out the schools door to avoid his rival in arms. Already knowing what kind of lecture will befall upon the tangerine if he was stopped.
Imagining his teammates and countless yelling and stern talks , just because of his "new transformation".

Grabbing his bike he speeds towards his remote location. A random thought going through his not so stable head " you wanna see speed I'll show you some real speed". Cackling to himself he racing his way home to his luxurious apartment seated at the edge of town.
Feeling adrenaline rush into his bones , aching for what tonight might bring.

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