Deal or No Deal?

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Good morning how is everyone doing?! Here's another chapter! I'm also going to publish another one in two days or so to make up for lost time.
Hope you guys like it !
Without further ado. CONTINUE

Previously ~
Well tetsurou let's see if I can. What's in it for me if I can prove you wrong? Grabbing inside his pants suit and taking out a small rectangle card. Sliding it on the jet black counter were various people have sat before.
How about it ? Care to take me up on a once in a lifetime offer and prove me wrong?

Mmm chibbbii~ chan now why would I pass up on such a delectable offer? You really think I'd be stupid enough to decline?  Huffing out a slightly annoyed breath Kuroo narrows his cunning eyes. Giving a light chuckle.
I'll take you up on that offer but how about we make this offer more risky. Instead, why don't we make a deal ? How about it?

Hinata , Raising a pointy sleek eyebrow,  eyes furrowing in wonder. Hmm and what kind of deal are you suggesting?
Casually sliding a petite hand underneath his soft jawline.
Hinata tilts his head curiously at the tall male beside him.

Giving off a confident aura Kuroo than says .
You said you can be able to "handle" me. Right? Now this is where the deal comes in. Clearing his throat . I bet you, you won't be able to make it by morning.
Now if by some miracle you can , I will owe you a favor. Anything you want. You got it.
Now if you can't. And I hear the word "Stop" at least once, than I win.
And if I win, your MINE. Whenever I want, where ever I want , andddd you have to join me with who ever I want. YOU will be only one call away from me , for me and only me . Throwing him a sly smirk. Silently begging him to say yes to his deal.

So are you in the mood to gamble.? Or are you not confident enough, in your skill levels, to make such a risky decision?.
The catlike individual brings up his tan hand to offer the club owner a seal to the deal.

Tetsurou was it ?
Taking out his small milky hand once again. Shaking the hard grip of his nearby opponent. Offering a smirk of his own along with kuroos.
You my friend have got yourself a deal.

In the middle of this exchange , a 6 foot male, wearing a leather bikers jacket, is walking towards the two individuals. Clearly intent on getting to know the ginger before his eyes. Wondering why his wingman is sitting next to the orange haired beauty. Underneath the flashing lights the said man walking, looks to the small male before him. Golden hazelnut eyes and soft godlike features adorn him.
He's so gorgeous.
Making himself known. He leans his left arm down. Resting himself on his  wingmans shoulder, leaning all his weight on the tanned male.
My,my,my what do we have here? My wingman ditching me for an enchanting belle? Hhhmm? Slightly giving Kuroo a knowing glare. Pay up you sly bitch.
"Pay" as in hooking him up with the individual in-front of them both, as payment for ditching him.

As Hinata glances towards the newcomer. His eyes spark with excitement. Oh my god. Please can I have both? chuckling to himself. Slightly pouting, not wanting to pick which one he's more attracted to .  Racking his eyes slowly from top to bottom.
White snowlike hair with black roots slicked downwards to cover cunning honey like eyes. Bikers jacket with a white tight fitted T-shirt underneath. Showcasing his muscular body for just about anyone to see. Matte black torn skinny jeans tucked into thick dark combat boots.

Meeting Hinatas eyes the biker looks at him smirking , knowing full well his eyes are just drinking his appearance in.
Giving an alluring smile to the one across from him Names Bokuto Kotaro my sweet, sweet belle. Lustfully staring into those adorable doe eyes  all the while nudging his "wingman" to introduce him. Huffing a pout for the lack of response. And what's your name beautiful? 
Earning a small smirk in return.
Hinata Shoyo. Who is offering up his hand as a greeting.

Completely forgetting Kuroo in the as well as the deal they just made. So Mr Bokuto what brings you to Midnight Luna? Drugs. Money. A good time perhaps. Or it is sex?
Raising his eyebrows while holding a sly smile.
Or all of thee above?

Hearing an interrupted jealous cough in which neither Hinata or Bokuto made.

I think it's time to get started with our deal don't cha think? letting out a small jealous huff . Chibi.
YOU made a deal with me. Not my friend. Narrowing his eyes onto the owlike figure. Silently trying to get his point across. Leaning into his ear. "Back off he's MINE."

Not one to retreat from a challenge the owl replies back.
"We'll see who he chooses. And if my judgment is correct. He's more attracted to me than your sorry desperate ass." Slightly growling at his best friend and willing to fight if he needs to. Not one to give up on a unique situation before him. Especially one who's by far more attractive than the individuals he's been hitting on all night. He won't back down. Turning to Hinata. I heard about your deal belle. Care for another to join in tonight? Or would you rather be with me than with this sly ass cat, right next to me? Jabbing a thumb to his right side. Feeling a breath in his ear. A rough whisper. I'm not going to tell you again Kotaro. Back the fuck off."

Kuroo getting anxious. Glancing back and forth trying to steer the carrot top from making another deal. Especially to his best friend. Knowing full well both can never back down when the opportunity presents itself.

Tapping a finger to his chin. Hazelnut eyes focus on the taller males before him.
Hmm I do want both of you ....
can I ask a question? By chance who's better in bed?  Tilting his head to his side.
At that, he earns a rushed a I. AM from both.
Well I guess you'll both have to show me hmm?  Grinning. Showing off his pearly white teeth. Leaning forward to tap the hotel room key card from the counter . Meet me in 30 mins or the deal is off . Both of you.
Getting up from the bar stool he glances back. Sending both males a knowing look. Come and get me.
Walking and disappearing to the far side of the club, and into the hotel elevator.

Aside from the loud music beating against the volleyball players chests, not a word was spoken . Too shocked to say the least. Gulping down the anxiousness and excitement.
Finally 5 minutes goes back leaving them with only 25 to pass.

Slamming a fist onto the bar. Fuckin hell Bokuto. You couldn't have just left us alone, you owl fuck. Huffing, he slides a hand down his face, giving himself a small migraine. Not believing they are about to "share"someone. Their friends of course, to an extent. But seeing each-other naked on the other hand was a no flight zone . Hearing the other speak confidently behind him.
~Oh come on Tetsurou, give up already. We all know he's waiting for me up there.

-BULLSHIT Bokuto. I'm better in bed and we both know that. Quit lying to yourself and back off.

~That's not what kenma was saying last night.

-You and I both know that's a lie and a half . Kenma is demisexual you ass.

Throwing up his hands infront of him . The owl gives in and let's out a short chuckle . Alright , alright. You got me . But on serious note we now have glancing a his watch 10 min till showtime.
Are you afraid once he has a taste of me he won't want you anymore?  Or is it YOU who wants my fine piece of ass? You know if you wanted it so badly you could've  just asked. Laughing and nudging the cats left shoulder.
Pushing back Fukurōdani's team captain. Get the fuck outta hear. Giving off his own joking manner. Laughing at the other for trying to make the situation lighter.
Who says he wants you? Giving a smirk of his own I guess the only way to find out is to meet the angel himself.

Turning towards each-other , a glare and a smirk was left in their wake. Racing each other to the elevator . Intent on winning the man in the hotel room.

To be continue......

Hey y'all sorry for the cliffhanger I swear next chapter will be SPICYYY.
I'll be my first time writing smut for others to see so bear with me!!
Also check out my other book I just started - House of Slytherin- A haikyuu/ Harry Potter crossover.
~ much love and thanks
Author ❤️

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