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Just letting you know !!!! ———————————————

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Just letting you know !!!!

Just letting you know !!!! ———————————————

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Hinata shoyos dream—-

Inside and away from the stormy sky and onto an unknown bed, shoyos eyes flutter open. A Soft yawn creeps it's way up, fatigued still evident from last night. Shaking his head back and forth to ward away his drowsy mind. He looks up and takes a peak around the room. Gaze foggy and uncertain he rubs his eyes. Trying to recognize his surroundings, his gaze stops at the body laying next to him. The strangers familiar toned back is littered with the scars of the past and the endeavors of last night.

(What once was a loving, caring boyfriend had now turned into a horror movie. First was flowers, than came  jealousy after that well you know the rest.)

Reality struck him like a dear in the headlights. Something about this room felt so familiar to him and yet it took him this long to figure it out. After years of seeing his physique, he never once forgotten what he looked like.
Huff.... Huff... this can't be happening .. I didn't tell him where I was going . Huff huff huff huff .

Caught up in his anxiety attack he hasn't realized the person next to him was rustling under the ruby red sheets.
A loud low groan is heard beside him. Startling Shoyo out of his panic attacks.

I have to get out of here before he figures out I'm still here. He starts to hyperventilate. Terror struck his heart. Flight or fight... fuck who am I kidding. I'm 5'3 for gods sakes.
Gaping in horror he locks eyes on his own bare body. Bruises and bite marks are polluting his smooth skin.

Huff ... huff.. Rat bastardd!!!! Teeth seething he quietly slides his bare leg from underneath the warm sheets. Not an ounce of shits left to care if he has to run naked just to get away.

Foot makes contact to the cold ass wood floor . Please don't squeak..
Badump...... badump..
Applying pressure his small foot is firmly on the ground.
Huff ... huff breath in.. breath out..
you got this... please for the love of God , please don't wake up..

Cold breeze strikes his naked body. Chills have been set into his racing heart. Looking back and forth, his leg to his captor. Only one more leg and a cheek to go. Bending his free half he balances himself on one leg. Cursing under his breath he realizes his other leg is close to his Exes body.
Creakkkkk..  we'll fuck...
Holding his breath he swallows down the lump in his throat.
Staring hard at the wood floor he brings his other leg out.
Sigh of relief has left his lips.

Tiptoeing as fast as he can he grabs a large shirt laying next to the entrance. Looking up as he passes a mirror he spots black and purple bruises against his collarbone.
He really is a piece of shit.. clenching his teeth he buries his boiling anger and fear deep inside.
Deal with emotions later, hurry up and get your ass out of here shoyo!!
Raising a petit hand against the luxurious door he slides each lock out of its socket. One more.. breath in ... 1...2..3 breath out.
Hearing a loud click he unlocks the exit from the gates to hell.

Outside of the open door is pouring rain and lightning that lite up the sky.
Slipping past the door. Almost free. He forces his tiny legs to run.
Come back here.
A menacing voice is heard behind him as he feels a large hand latch onto his wrist.
No.... no... widened eyes stare upon the devil himself.
Let go of me you sick bastard !!! Anger has risen up to his flaring pink cheeks. Spitting from his chapped lips, and onto his captors face, he lifts his chin up. Go to hell where you belong .. you flying sack of shit!!! Yelling and grunting from the pain of his wrist, he jerks his arm out of his hold and continues to dash through the downpour.
Hearing a booming voice yet again yell out GET BACK HERE. YOUR MINE AND MINE ALONE SHOYO IF I CANT HAVE YOU NO ONE CAN.

-Shoyo please 
~ come on wake up for us damnit.
-He's not waking up kuroo .. DO SOMETHING!!
~ way to state the obvious, fuck just calm down NOW .

Not once stopping or looking back, even when he hears two concerned voices deep within his nightmare. Another wave of fear after another make its way into his now cold heart like a scared animal.

Run, keep running shoyo and never look back. Promise me you'll never love again and please .... Please promise me to never let anyone into your heart again.

Not knowing if the water on his cheeks are from his tears or from the rain, he's not stopping to find out which it is.
So he runs and runs away like he's always does and always have been.
To be continued....
Hey guys I noticed in my story how it doesn't specify enough whether or not they are thinking or talking .
If it's easy to understand please let me know.
If not I'll change just the format of the sentence like bold and italic.

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