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noun: ahimsa
(in the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jainist tradition) respect for all living things and avoidance of violence towards others.

ahimsa/əˈhɪmsɑː/noun: ahimsa(in the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jainist tradition) respect for all living things and avoidance of violence towards others

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Mississauga, Ontario
Friday June 18th
Soraya Legacy Valentine | Binkie

"You look so cute bitch I'm gonna miss you." Today was the day the couple was finally leaving. All plans were in set and some of the family members were already dead, as in Keila's husband and their kids.

Everyday a new sibling and their 'family' would die until they were all gone however the inner Cooper's were saved for last they'd watch their whole family die before they did and Anais and Felix were the ones who'd specifically kill them.

"Thank you boo I'm gonna miss you so much, I promise we'll travel and see you soon." Soraya reassured as she wrapped her arms around Anais and they hugged tightly.

"It was nice meeting you and having you stay with us." Felix said welcoming Soraya in his arms.

"You too, it was great to meet the both of you honestly."

"Next time you come down hopefully it won't be raining too much and we can go to the Niagara Falls." Felix suggested to which Soraya nodded and Hezekiah pulled her into his arms.

Soraya yawned slightly as first class seating on flight 178 to Phoenix, Arizona was announced.

"I can't believe you're really going I've just gotten so attached to you." Anais complained as they wiped their watering eyes.

"We'll be back before you know it and we'll definitely keep in touch," Hezekiah reassured, "we should go before we get stuck here, bye!" Hezekiah waved as Soraya spoke and they slightly jogged through the tunnel leading the pathway to the plane.

"I cannot believe we're leaving." Soraya confessed as she looked out the window at the dark sky, last night they'd had a very early night going sleep at eight pm to wake up five hours later for their 2:30am departure.

"I know baby, we'll come back soon though."

"No, I've missed a lot of work and I know Kayson and Nikki are a little happy for me however sick of me and my behaviour as well. We have gone on holiday like twice and I've had a lot of sick leaves and I'm supposed to be a manager Adriel."

"I get what you're saying baby however you've devoted your whole life to those kids, you was selfish — it's okay to do that every once in a while. Don't beat yourself down over it and don't feel remorse nor guilt."

"I missed Acacia's birthday, you won't know her she's one of the young kids. She's a very bright girl, she has a very amazing future ahead of her and I can see it. Sometimes she can be distant though she doesn't open up much, I don't know about her father but her mother is a stripper - it's this weird thing that the daycare does where the parents have to write their occupation down if they want extra hours or like any reason why, it's required but also sort've optional - anyways I think somethings going on at home. They live with their grandmother - again all required information - and she's like in her sixties. Anyways main point is that she was excited for her birthday," Soraya explained, "she was looking forward to it, her eyes lit up when she spoke about it," Soraya smiled a little as she thought about it, "I told her I'd be there and that I wouldn't miss it."

"Don't beat yourself up baby," Hezekiah intertwined their hands and then swung them back and forth, "she knows you didn't mean to."

"She just turned five, Hezekiah, I don't think she does." Hezekiah sighed as they approached their seats.

"All the more reason to not worry baby."

"No Hezekiah, I know how kids think, they remember these things. All the birthday presents they received and every birthday present they didn't and everybody who wished them happy birthday and who didn't. I'm one of the ones who didn't she'll remember that."

"You really care about these kids." Hezekiah observed as Soraya sat next to the window and he put the rucksacks on the deck above them.

"I do, if you heard some of the things they tell me your heart would break. Some of them get treated so badly, so indescribably badly, they get starved by their mothers, shunned by their fathers, i-it's the simplest things that they care about. One of my kids came crying to me one day because her mother couldn't do her hair and she'd get bullied at kindergarten because of it. None of them deserve that. Nobody understands that: they're treated like little idiots when they are so smart and observational they see everything and everybody just acts like they don't, they hear everything, every fight their parents have and every sob from their mother. Everybody just acts like their mindless little brats."

"When we adopt our little family," Hezekiah imagined speaking to his girlfriend but looking ahead of him, "we'll adopt a large age range and they'll all know that they're ineffably loved." Soraya hitched in a breath as Hezekiah made zero eye contact with her and kissed the back of her hand.

"D-do — a-are you really serious about this? Are you prepared to do this?" Hezekiah finally looked at Soraya and gave her a toothy smile.

"There is nothing I want more I can promise you that, amica mea." Hezekiah reassured pressing another kiss to her palm.
[amica mea = my love]

"When I told you I loved you I meant it, baby." Soraya smiled sadly and happily as he spoke, "you're my one love, I can promise you that. I don't care if I'm titled as a simp, a sap or whipped because all of that would be true. I'm whipped on a whole 'nother level for you, Soraya. I love you with everything in me." Tears glistened Soraya's brown orbs.

"You're so amazing, I got so lucky with you." Soraya leaned over the console and wrapped her arms around her boyfriend as best as possible.

"No," he shook his head hugging her back tightly, "I'm the one who got lucky with you, Legacy."

[there will be a sequel and it will just be based on all of the kids of the daycare]

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