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adjective: contumelious
(of behaviour) scornful and insulting; insolent.

contumelious/ˌkɒntjʊˈmiːlɪəs/adjective: contumelious(of behaviour) scornful and insulting; insolent

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Glendale, AZ
Monday February 22nd
Trenton Marquis Valentine | Three

"well, well, well would you look at that?" Trenton grumbled hearing Chiefs voice echo off of the stone basement.

Trenton bit his tongue knowing once he was out of these shackles he was killing so many men, "cat got your tongue? nothing to say now, eh? Y'know I've seen 'at pretty li'l thing you call a sista, I see why boss is so interested in ha, you'll never guess what he asked me ta do." Trenton clenched his jaw, his hands forming into fists.

"Stay the fuck away from her!" He bellowed feeling his anger reach its peak.

Chief stifled a laugh, "nothing right now absolutely nothing is stopping me from killing you," Chief smirked thinking to himself. "I'm sure boss would be over the moon and baby swister wouldn't be too upset." Three gritted his teeth.

"It's been more than two fucking weeks."

"Now now boy you are in no position to make commands, after all you're the one in chains." Chief laughed to himself, "oh how i've been waiting for the day." chief smirked.

"Can't wait to wipe that fucking smirk off of your face," Three mumbled lowly.

"Aww and how are you gonna achieve that, six?" He asked gleefully, "with your toes? your ear? Don't know if your hands will be able to do much, y'know since their in shackles." Three rolled his eyes.

"Why am I still down here? And why the fuck have you come to get me out?" Chief opened his mouth to respond but another voice beat him to it.

"It's that tone kid, that got you in here. Chief leave." Chief spat at Three's foot before swiftly turning around and obeying Dee's command, "and don't ever do some shit like that again." Dee plunged his knife into Chief's femoral artery and twisted it before pulling it back out leaving Chief to grunt as blood erupted from the wound in his thigh.

He pushed his hand onto the wound in hopes to stop the blood but it came out at an immense speed, Three watched wide-eyed. He knew Chief would be dead in a couple of seconds, he'd stabbed an entire artery.

Dee was unaffected though as he watched Chief stumble before pushing him watching as he collapsed onto the concrete floor, he watched his body drop before dropping the blade next to him. "Couldn't stand that kid." He muttered, "that'll be you soon." He said in that same dark tone, "constantly forgetting your place, you are. Just like him, Chief here was like a fucking rat always searching for cheese, sticking his ratty nose into every fucking thing."

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