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adjective: deleterious
causing harm or damage.

deleterious/ˌdɛlɪˈtɪərɪəs/adjective: deleteriouscausing harm or damage

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Glendale , AZ
Sunday 11th January
Soraya Legacy Valentine | Binkie

Soraya stood in the waiting room of Glendale Police Department, "sergeant Warthley should see you shortly," the police officer leading them into the  room announced.

"Dislike police." Jalen grumbled as he looked around on edge.

"They're the only ones that can help us Jalen." Soraya reminded sitting down as Jalen continued to stand, "at least as of right now."

"I'm hungry." Soraya fished for a dollar out of her pocket and handed it to him as he ran to the vending machine.

"Miss Valentine." Soraya looked away from the six-year-old and turned her attention to a middle aged white man in a blue uniform wearing many badges.

"Sergeant Warthley?" Soraya stood up and sent a respectful nod as Jalen made wary movements towards them with a packet of Nacho Cheese flavoured Bugles.

"Hello Jalen." Sergeant Warthley waved to the abused boy they were here for, who silently made a move closer to Soraya, "I'd like to have a few words with you if that's alright."

Soraya lifted Jalen up and sat him next to her. "Let's get started: who is Miss Valentine to you?"

"She takes care of me, she works in the daycare." He mumbled not too sure how to word it, he was aware that members of authority liked to twist words and change how something was for their benefit.

"Okay and I see you are close?" The sergeant continued. Jalen scrunched his eyebrows and nodded.

"She takes care of everybody." He repeated.

"How long have you known her?" Jalen shrugged. Soraya was beginning to get irritated, she felt like the officer wasn't doing his appropriate job by asking questions about their relationship when he should've been asked about how he got those burn marks on his stomach which were definitely visible whenever he raised his arms.

"Long?" Jalen stated but as more of a question.

"What about your mother, how is your relationship?" Jalen now frowned.

"Hate her." He mumbled shortly.

"And what makes you hate her?" Sergeant Warthley replied.

"Evil, hurts me."

"Physically or mentally?"

"Both?" He hesitated with his response.

"Can I see?" Jalen shook his head.

"I have photos." Soraya unlocked her phone going to her cameraroll showing picture's of Jalen's face which held many scratches, his back which held whip lashes and his stomach which had cigarette burns.

"As you can see all of his scars are 'new' either that or they're reopened frequently." Soraya informed.

"Thank you Miss Valentine I noticed, is there anything else she's done Jalen?" Jalen pursed his lips together and Soraya could tell there was something he was holding back.

"Touched," he said quietly, "she's touched me. And s-she made others." Soraya looked down at the broken boy who looked so helpless.

"Touched you how? Where?" Warthley furrowed his eyebrows together.

"Everywhere, s-she kissed me sometimes a-and sh-she touched m-my t-thing. Someone else put it in me."

"Who is this someone else , Jalen?" Jalen shrugged, "name? gender? appearance, what does he look like?"

"Strong and tall, black."

"More than once?" Jalen nodded sighing, he only wanted to go home.

"Few times. He'd go to her then come to me and s-say playtime. He told me to be quiet though and that I couldn't tell anyone."

"Mommy knew though?" Jalen nodded, "and mommy allowed it?" He repeated the gesture with his head.

"Don't worry about that, you're gonna stay with Miss Valentine for the time being okay? Don't worry about anything else." Soraya stood grabbing Jalen's hands in hers, "i believe you'll be very safe with her."

"An arrest will happen shortly, we're gonna check out the home. Find out as much information as possibly, fret no more Miss Valentine." He paused before continuing, "For now I believe that little boy is in good hands, please don't give me a reason to think otherwise." Soraya said nothing leaving the room and the station all together.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" Trenton stood by his car waiting for the pair as they approached him.

"It was as good as it could possibly be." Soraya opened the back door and lifted Jalen into the car before getting into the passenger seat.

"Jalen, bud, what do you want to do?" Jalen shrugged opening his packet of chips, "I was thinking we could go get some clothes and stuff for school and just in general. we can also maybe decorate the guest room to your liking."

"Okay." Jalen felt awkward being loved, even at the daycare people tried talking to him but never to the extent Trenton was working at. Trenton wanted to build a brotherly bond with the young boy seeing as though his own sister near much loathes him - he is aware that he is the only one to blame for that though.

"He's 6 Trent." Soraya pointed out turning to look back at the kid eating bugles quite loudly to be fair.

"I know I know." Trenton replied defensively.

"Drop me off at home, shop with out me." Soraya didn't think she'd be able to be in a large building with so many people, not today at least.

"Okay, you alright?" She nodded stiffly as Trenton looked at her concerned, "maybe we should go another day bud." Soraya kissed her teeth annoyed.

"Leave me alone Trenton, stop babying me I'm 21 not 12. Go to the damn mall." Trenton believed it was best not to say anything as he began driving back home whilst Soraya unlocked her phone going to youtube and watching Ki Cassanova's seafood mukbang.

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