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noun: assiduity; plural noun: assiduities
constant or close attention to what one is doing.

assiduity/ˌasɪˈdjuːɪti/noun: assiduity; plural noun: assiduitiesconstant or close attention to what one is doing

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Glendale, AZ
Wednesday February 19th
Trenton Marquis Valentine | Three

Three writhed in pain as the pain in his knees became insufferable. He'd been down in the mucid and unventilated basement for thirteen days.

He'd been served a dog bowl filled with dirty sewage water which was renewed ever two days. He got a 'meal' - if you can call scraps that - every three days. He'd last eaten two days ago meaning today would be the third.

Every other time he was only served a piece of somewhat 'mouldy' bread and boiling hot tomato soup. He knew it was boiling hot because he shuffled it down within three seconds maximum as soon as he saw it. Leaving his mouth to suffer the intolerable consequences. His mouth burned for days on end after that moment, three days later he knew what was going to happen and so he was more careful but too slow: Afina had come down within 10 minutes to retrieve his bowl and plate which still had some soup in it, she took both.

He complained however she said nothing resuming her task: Shoota didn't even know his little delinquent had received food and drink, once Dee had found out about Three's treatment he'd sighed and told Afina what to do to which she followed with zero complaint.

Afina was the type to just do whatever she was told and run with it, she wasn't a people pleaser per say but she was extrememly submissive. It wasn't in her nature to go against people's commands, whoever they may be, she didn't like disobeying people. That lead many people to take a lot of advantage towards her, she was naive. Desperate for people to like her but over the years she's come to the realisation that she is 'unlikeable'.

It also had something to do with abuse - thats a story for another time though - she feared whatever the outcome may be if she ever said 'no' to someone, meaning she never protested or in some cases resisted.

"Ahh, three three three." Shoota chuckled shaking his head walking into the pitch black basement, "what am I going to do with you, peasant?" he spat condescendingly.

"Wanna play a game?" Three obviously shook his head, "No? wow I'm offended three. We'll play anyways." Shoota feigned a pout as Three glared heavily at him, "I heard glaring causes wrinkles, wanna know who told me?" Shoota childishly 'giggled, "our little princeps." Shoota lied.
[princeps = princess]

"Stay the fuck away from her!" Three growled.

"Tree bwoy wah ave mi did tell yuh bout yuh tone! Learn yuh goddamn place tree. Mi a bi suh lenient wid yuh bwoy buh yuh a testing mi patience." Shoota dragged a chair from out of the darkness. [tree bwoy wah ave mi did tell yuh bout yuh tone! learn yuh goddamn place tree. Mi a bi suh lenient wid yuh bwoy buh yuh a testing fi mi patience : Three boy what have i told you about your tone! Learn your goddamn place three. I am being so so lenient with you boy but you are testing my patience.]

Shoota wore an all white hoodie with a pair of simple jeans, he rolled up the sleeves one by one and smirked looking at the chained 'man' - call it so - in front of him.

Hezekiah was Romanian and Jamaican and his patois came out more when he was angry or aggravated but when he spoke latin that was more controlled.

"Y'know me and your little vulpes of a sister, had a nice little chat about your behaviour, why I knew of you, how I knew of you, who I am, who you are." Shoota simpered noticing the effect his words had on the brother of his 'lover' - if Soraya could even be called such and just like that, his mood switched.
[vulpes : vixen]

"What the fuck did you tell her about me! You had no right to tell her anything about me! What the fuck have you done! Why the fuck have you done that!"

"Listen yah, lickkle pickney, mi will tell her anyting mi waan. Yuh tink yuh can step up tuh mi. Kno yuhself." All of Shoota's playfullness disintegrated away, until now there was only anger, "keep rampin wid yuh life." [ listen yah, lickkle pickney, mi will her anyting me waan. yuh tink yuh can step up tuh mi. kno yuhself : listen here, little kid/child, I will tell her anything I want. You think you can step up to me. Know yourself ]
[keep rampin wid yuh life : keep playing with your life]

Shoota got off the chair in a fury and threw it against the wall, leaving a loud crashing sound which had Afina flinching from the stairs causing some of the water in the dog bowl to topple out. "Tink yuh can step tuh mi try mi try mi mi dare yuh try." Shoota got out his gun cocked it back and walked back towards three, "Next bullet's ina yuh ed mi nuh kya bout soraya." Shoota pressed the barrel off the gun into a glaring mindless three.
[tink yuh can step tuh me try mi try mi, mi dare yuh try : you think you can step up to me, try me, try me, I dare you try ] [next bullet's ina yuh ed mi nuh kya bout soraya : next bullet's in your head, I don't care about Soraya ]

[Kaia & Hezekiah share the same parents, they are twenty-one years apart ( the siblings not parents). Their heritage is Romanian and Jamaican - father Jamaican, mother Romanian - the language Hezekiah speaks is latin do with that information whatever you please. He can also speak patois. Their father is West Indian American, who isn't in the family picture anymore]

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