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adjective: appurtenant
belonging; pertinent.

appurtenant/əˈpəːt(ɪ)nənt/adjective: appurtenantbelonging; pertinent

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Glendale, AZ
Saturday June 19th
Soraya Legacy Valentine | Binkie

"I didn't think I'd be awarded with your presence today, Miss Valentine."

"Mmm neither did I, I was supposed to be doing something else."

"Am I lucky enough to know what?"

"It's never too good to be intrusive, Dr. Harris."

"How have you been then? I haven't seen you since your stay at the hospital, how are you handling things?"

"Not the best but I'm coping, I'm doing okay, I've become quite open with my partner. He's very helpful and comforting, I know that I always have his support — he constantly reminds me of that."

"Do you find it overbearing?"

"No not in the least, actually i find it rather soothing and assuaging. He brings me solace."

"That's great to hear, what has happened in the past week?"

"Well I went to visit Cheyenne's sibling, as I told you Cheyenne gave us letters and I gave them that. We ended up overstaying and we all got a lot closer they also have a boyfriend whom is very welcoming and kind and a great cook. It was a wonderful week."

"You seem like you're holding something back, anything else?" Soraya sucked in a breath.

"H-hezekiah told me he loves me, he had like a whole paragraph — it's like we're getting closer every day."

"Did you say it back?" Soraya guiltily shook her head, "what was his response to that?"

"he was okay with it, very glad too in a way. He told me how he didn't want me to fake my love, he wanted it to be genuine and special when I said it. And he also told me when he knew he was in love with me and how it happened, it was the morning of his birthday and before we'd gone to California. That morning at like 1am we were laying on my bed and he'd told me everything about his past and his upbringing, his life - he said he fell in love with me because I listened to him and that that was the moment he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me."

"That was his specific words?" Soraya nodded proudly, "sounds like he really loves you, what do you feel for him?"

"Intense happiness, I'm not too sure if that's an actual answer but yeah i felt content in his presence. I feel loved and cared for."

"I'm happy that you can see that, do you think one day you'll be able to tell him you love him?"

"Of course," Soraya thought about her next words carefully, "I can't put a title on it yet that's all."

"You mean you don't want to, you're afraid to put a title on your feelings because it could jinx it." Soraya was an open book to Dr. Harris, the young woman gulped and nodded, "did he drop you here?"

"Yes, the other week h-he I mean we were together. I got a pill notification but I ignored it out of embarrassment I think, he brought it up perhaps a week later I think. He was unhappy that I wasn't taking care of my medication so now he always makes sure I'm taking my supplements and eating properly."

"Good, good to see he cares about your health and mentality. How does this make you feel?"

"Like I'm not alone and that I'm cared for."

"That's nice to hear, how do you feel about the relationship?"

"Overall it just feels like a huge safe space where I can be entirely and completely myself, free from judgement or doubt. He reminds me everyday how much he loves me and cares for me, there's never a day that goes by nor second where he doesn't make his feelings for me evident. I love that about him, he's not afraid to show how he feels about me and he doesn't mind loving me in public or private, I like that a lot."

"What about in front of friends?" Dr. Harris enquired.

"He acts no different, he's still all up under me showing me affection and love if not more. He's very respectful to me and he doesn't let anybody wrong me or disrespect me if that makes sense."


"Protective, he protects me we both know - me and him - that he doesn't possess nor own me. I'm not his property."

"So he hasn't ever called you his?" Soraya nibbled on her bottom lip, "apologies, what you do in your sex life is none of my business unless harmful to your body." Dr. Harris mumbled slightly.

"How is Dr. Evans?" Soraya asked conversationally.

"Evans? — oh he's good, yeah. He asked about you the other day, how you were doing, how you were handling things, I couldn't respond though since I hadn't seen you in near enough two weeks." Dr. Harris frowned slightly removing his navy blue reading glasses from his nose, "on the topic of your health not mental, just like wellbeing: lungs, organs etc. how are you doing in that criteria?"

"Okay, I guess. I don't feel pains or any type of way, no different."

"Records say you've had high blood pressure since March, nobody even knew. There isn't a systemic change in your body or how it programs Soraya however if you continue to endanger your body by going against instructions like not eating healthily or not exercising properly, not reducing stress: hypertension can actually cause heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, thickened or narrowed or even torn blood vessels in your eyes or metabolic syndrome and even dementia." Dr. Harris listed.

"I don't drink anymore, I don't really exercise but that's easy to begin I've just been a little busy that's all. I'm not particularly stressed per say and so none of that is necessary to mention."

"It most certainly is because you love to sugarcoat stuff Soraya." Dr. Harris exclaimed, "your health is on the line, you need to start taking care of yourself better. You're too busy making everybody else happy to realise you're not ev-"

Soraya held her hand up effectively cutting the therapist of, "i'm glad you've said that because i've been dying for the chance to tell somebody how happy I am. Oh don't even get me started I am so happy with my life, happier than a priest on sunday, a midwife on monday and a teacher on friday! I am happy with my life, I am happy with my occupation, I am happy with what i've done with my life and where my life is going, I am a happy person. I forgave my brother, I'll never forgive my mother but I don't hate her, no I thank her, I am grateful for everything she put me through; I am grateful for every damn thing I've went through. So what if I make sure everybody surrounding me is happy before I make myself happy? Seeing others happy is all the happiness I need."

"Soraya now you know that is unhealthy."

"So be it Dr. Harris, you dedicate your whole life to listening to peoples problem, has any one of your patients ever asked you how you feel?" The therapist's silence is all the answer she needed, "I thought so." She calmed her breath, "you are no better than anybody else, Isaac."

"I don't think myself as such."

"You think yourself as normal and for a man that sits in that chair like a goddamn prophet, you aren't that normal!" She growled out.

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