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noun: consternation
a feeling of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected.

consternation/kɒnstəˈneɪʃ(ə)n/noun: consternationa feeling of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected

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Glendale , AZ
Friday February 19th
Cheyenne Carson Cooper | Chi-cha

"I haven't seen you in the longest, my baby sista!" Cheyenne's cheeks were grabbed and mushed together whilst being shaken back and forth.

"I-I." Cheyenne was astounded, lost for words. "w-what are you doing here?" She stuttered out frantically looking around.

"I, my cute little baby swissy, am on a date." The interruption giggled looking behind themselves at their date.

"W-when did you get back? H-how did you get back? W-why are you back?" The intruder huffed going round and sitting in Soraya' previous spot.

"Storyyyy tiiiiime." They chanted feeling excited, "so, right from the start?" They asked Cheyenne nodded and they nodded then began reminiscing.

"After (y)our parents kicked me out, dun dun dunnn, and sent me to this sanitary detention camp: it was terrible." they instantly turned serious, "I was starved, whipped, beaten, raped, abused, everything it was all kinds of fucked up. They tried to make me 'human' 'normal' they told me how wrong I was, how what I wanted to be was wrong y'know allat crap." Cheyenne bit her bottom lip, remembering how she lost her bestfriend that day in many ways.

"I ran away, they knew their methods weren't working but that didn't matter to them: they'd do anything to make me 'average' 'basic' in my opinion. But nothing worked, and so they wanted to murder me. Which is pretty normal in their line of work, when the client wouldn't obey them they'd send emails/letters to the parents for permission." Cheyenne held back a sob.

"They approved? Clyde please don't tell me they approved!" Tears slipped from her eyes.

They turned around to see if there was anybody behind them before facing the crying girl again, "I don't know who that person is, never met a Clude before in my life my name is Anais." A small smile tugged at the corner of Cheyenne's mouth as she let out a shaky breath.

"So so they didn't approve? But y-you still escaped?" Anais rolled their eyes.

"Oh no, baby girl, they approved they most definitely approved. I was set to be executed December 18th 2019." Cheyenne's blood ran cold.

"W-where have you been?"

"Canada, I live there, I love it there." Anais replied happily.

"And your?" Cheyenne trailed off.

"Very much non-binary, very much pansexual." Cheyenne let out a shaky breath, "what happened, when they found out you was bisexual?"

Cheyenne shook her head, "very much disowned, very much lesbian." She mimicked as Anais smiled from ear to ear.

"Do you still get?" They trailed off and Cheyenne nodded, "I guess Cynthia really is the only perfect one." they both laughed.

"I guess so, who's your date?"

"Felix, he's a total daddy right." Anais growled in Felix's direction who simply licked his lips in response and stuck his tongue out, placing his index finger and middle finger in between his tongue, "fucking tease." Cheyenne grimaced.

"You got surgery?" Anais nodded.

"It disgusted me, having it on." Cheyenne nodded understandingly.

"He looks about sixty, how old is he?" Anais gasped.

"My baby is barely going on thirty. We've been together for a couple weeks, we came to visit his family for the weekend."

"You're going to be around all weekend?" Cheyenne asked hopefully to which Anais shook their head.

"Way too risky, don't wanna bump into any old friends." They chuckled but there was no humour behind it, "Felix lives back in Canada with me, we came here to see his family which we've done - they live in Tucson." Anais explained, "We took a coach here, and there's another one departing in an hour which we'll be getting back to Tucson, we're staying with them."

"Wow." Cheyenne missed her older sibling so much, "life is terrible without you. Sometimes I really wish they left us all at that fucking orphanage or at least me and you." Cheyenne pouted tears sliding down her cheeks.

Anais shook their head, "no, we needed this. Everything that's happen we needed." Cheyenne furrowed her eyebrows.

"Anais we've both been raped, abused, denigrated, castigated and fucking clobbered more times than I can count on every fucking finger and toe. What goddamn part of this did I deserve? Did we fucking deserve, Anais!" Anais held their hand up noticing Felix stand up out of the corner of their eye frowning as he watched the siblings heated conversation.

"That's not what I meant and you know it, we wouldn't be who we are if it wasn't for everything we've gone through."

"No you're bloody darn right we wouldn't. I'd be fucking normal, I'd be happy, I'd be able to live my fucking life as would you!"

"Stop yelling you're causing a scene, please stop yelling." Anais didn't want to argue with their sister, they missed her way too much for that. They also hated yelling, the sound of it was nauseating.

"I haven't seen you since you were damn near thirteen, Che and you look so big and grown. I just want to hold you and hug you, arguing is the last thing on my mind, okay." Cheyenne nodded holding back tears, "blood or not I fucking love you, okay." Cheyenne nodded standing up and coming round to Anais' side.

She sat down next to them as they wrapped their large arms around them pulling her into their embrace tightly, "I love you too, I'll always love you, I've always loved you, I'll never stop loving you okay, whether you're a man, dog or woman or you don't want to be any gender you'll always be my Anais okay? I don't care about any of those titles, about our parents, about Cynthia none of it." Anais nodded smiling that their sister knew everything they needed to hear.

"I'll always love you too." They pulled away wiping their teary eyes and cheeks.

"Knowing what I know today, I wouldn't change our lives for a damn thing." Cheyenne reiterated.

"Neither would I, I'd do it all over again, every choice the same, I'd do everything the same believe me little sister. Believe me." Anais pulled Cheyenne back into their hold wanting to be with her for their last final moments, just like the day they left.

[Cynthia, Anais and Cheyenne were all adopted from different orphanages around the same time at different ages. Phillip and Diane are not their biological parents]
[Anais is the oldest, Cynthia the second oldest, Cheyenne the youngest]

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