Chapter 20 - Let the festivities begin

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I was still enveloped in warmth when I awoke the next morning, and it might have been just been me, but I somehow felt completely supported by Charlie as we lay there. He was wide awake as I dozed in and out of sleep, yet he stayed with me, holding me until I woke completely. 

"It's a beautiful, crisp day out - I reckon we go for a hike. What do you say?" He murmured softly into my skin, and I gave a small nod, still half asleep. That of course ended once Charlie sat up, and the cold of the room hit me all at once. 

He took me to his favourite hiking spot, Crooked Creek. "Normally I only hike this track in summer because there's a wicked waterfall at the summit with a jump rock, but it also looks awesome in the winter as the trees are stripped of their leaves." He said, gesturing to the trees with one hand and holding my gloved hand comfortably with his other. Charlie too deep breaths occasionally as we walked, and I copied him, the cold but fresh air filling my lungs as I revelled in the scent of the trees and the forest.
We'd be walking for about an hour and yet were to speak about last night. 

And yet, I was grateful he hadn't mentioned it. It felt like there was unspoken mutual respect between us now that we had both been vulnerable with each other. And as we hiked on, and the trail revealed yet another piece of himself and his past to me, I realised what that bond was: trust. 

We barely spoke for the rest of the hike, and not from a lack of things to say - there were always more stories to be told, memories to be shared - but rather from the comfort in that silence and just being with each other. 

The rest of the day flew past; we took a walk through town, stopping at a small cafe to get coffee, before walking along a pier on our way back to the house. He told me a story of how his cousin dared him to jump in the water during the peak of winter, and he did. He remarked how he'd never felt such pain before: like a thousand needles were pricking his skin. I couldn't help but laugh, noting that the pain was entirely self-inflicted. Het tried to retort that it was a dare and he wasn't about to be called chicken, but I just shook my head at him, smiling. He gave up trying to defend himself, grinning back at me instead. 

We then helped out in the kitchen, his mum having planned a massive Christmas Eve feast for that night. And as we sat there, planning our day for tomorrow, it occurred to me that I hadn't gotten Charlie a Christmas present yet - and Christmas was tomorrow

I took my apron off, claiming I needed to go to the bathroom and locked the door, immediately face-timing Madi and Owen. "Guys! I need your help. What do I get Charlie for Christmas?" 

"Child, how the hell am I supposed to know what that rat-boy wants?" Madi said, and Owen just shook his head at her nickname for Charlie. 

"You're creative, Em - why don't you paint him something?" Owen suggested, and I almost brushed off the idea when I thought of something. 

"Oh my god, Owen you're a genius. I've been painting my shirts with different designs. And, I just created a really cute Julie and the Phantoms design. Do you reckon he'd like that? A personalised, one-of-a-kind shirt for him?" I got excited just thinking about it.

"Absolutely! I reckon that's much better than something store-bought." Madi said, and Owen added,

"100%. It's all about the thought with Charlie." I thanks the two of them, then went to find Megan. I remembered which was her room from the tour yesterday and found her sitting on her bed with her laptop open. I gently knocked on the door, and she smiled up at me, gesturing for me to come in. 

When she asked what was up, I responded, "I need your help. Do you know if there is an art store nearby? I also need to get a shirt in Charlie's size - I'm making him a personalised shirt for Christmas." She smiled at me. 

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