bachalor party

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"Derek Shepherd, your last night as a single man" Mark joked, playfully hitting him on the arm, Derek laughed in return, as they made their way to Joe's Bar.

"I swear to god Mark if a stripper turns up i might have to kill you" Derek rolled his eyes, knowing his best friend far too well "okay there is one stripper, but she's classy, and she's a friend of mine" mark replied "oh my god, this was supposed to just be drinks, you know i didn't want strippers and hookers" annoyance laced Derek's voice, "i know but you need to loosen up you have been so tense" mark checked his phone to see a message from the girl who was on her way, almost there.

"She's here" Mark yelled, and she's hot, Derek turned around to see the 'stripper' mark had invited, Sam had also just arrived and made his way over to Mark and Derek, "nice to see you both" Sam greeted them before ordering more drinks. Derek downed another scotch, seconds before Marks old friend made her way over to the table, "mhnnn if it isn't my favourite dirty mistress" he hugged her tightly, her laugh was intoxicating, Derek found himself not able to take his eyes of her. "Derek this is meredith" Mark introduced them "woah she's hot" Sam blurted, she laughed in reply, slightly uncomfortable, "so i'm guessing you are one of Mark's one night girls" Derek asked, only realising his comment was slightly rude after he had said it, she giggled her infectious smile, making him intrigued "no, definitely not, Mark and i met in collage and recently ran into each other again, he was my best friend" her green eyes, looking into his deep blue ones. "So can i get you a drink" Mark asked Meredith "please" she smiled, "you still a tequila girl?" Mark asked, she nodded and he went to order her drinks. "Don't take this the wrong way but, you don't exactly look the stripper type" Derek questioned "i'm not, well at least not professionally" she smirked, Derek felt overwhelming guilt, having the urge to kiss her.

He was getting married tomorrow, he couldn't be attracted to another woman, "so mark Meredith tells us she's not a stripper" Derek shot him an annoyed look, "right, i kind of just wanted you too to meet, i thought you'd get along great" Mark replied, slightly guilty "Meredith i don't know what Mark has told you but i'm getting married... tomorrow" Derek stated firmly, "oh, i'm so sorry i... Mark didn't say anything... i had no idea!" Meredith apologised, "hey it's okay, we can just drink, as friends" he reassured, she smiled softly before downing a glass of tequila like it was water, something else that drew Derek too her.

They laughed all evening, Derek found himself grow more and more fond of Meredith, she was lovely, and easy to talk to, they had a connection. As friends... only. "So what's she like?"Meredith asked, "who?" derek asked back, Meredith looked slightly shocked, "your fiancé, you know the one your marrying" Meredith slurred, "oh right sorry yeah, she's great, she's a surgeon" he replied awkwardly "that's it? she's a surgeon is all you have to say about the person your marrying, the love of your life" meredith giggled, he felt paralysed, he had never felt so happy around someone before.

Her words made him realise maybe he had made a mistake, he wanted to get married to the love of his life, but he didn't feel the way people say they feel about the person they love the most, of course he loved her, she was sweet, funny and pretty, but he didn't feel in love with her.

He wanted desperately to change the subject "so what do you do?" he asked Meredith "interior designer, i travel a lot for projects so it keeps me on my feet" she replied sweetly, "how does your boyfriend feel about that?" he asked, wanting to know if the woman who had made him forget the world was involved with someone already, "smooth, but i don't have a boyfriend, but when i did he hated it, that's why we broke up" she forced a smile, "oh i'm sorry" he apologised, feeling bad for bringing it up. "Don't be, he was kind of an asshole, he wasn't supportive and could never be happy for me, it was a blessing in disguise, i'm free, i'm not suffocating anymore and i love it" she exhaled, seeming genuine. "That's great i'm glad" he checked the time '1:03am' it was late, and he had a big day tomorrow "it's late i should go" he said sadly, not wanting to leave Meredith, almost forgetting Mark and Sam were still there "Meredith can i get your phone number, it would be nice to see you again, you know for coffee, Mark was right i think we'd be great friends" he asked "sure, my buisness card has my number on the back, i'll see you round, good luck for tomorrow, and congratulations" she smiled, before grabbing her purse, and walking out the door.

"Wow that's the first time you have ever admitted i was right" Mark laughed, clearly very drunk. Derek got ready to leave and go home, he couldn't stop thinking about her. Her hair, her eyes, her giggle, her tiny frame, her scent and the way they could talk for hours. He was probably just nervous for the big day.

AN// let me know what you think about this so far :))

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