The skeleton key;knowing if it's wrong

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" How was football practice? " Adam's mom asked as we both stepped into the kitchen. I was completely numb. We had to stay back 3 extra hours so it was now 11:45 PM. What was she doing up this late?

" Adam called me and said you guys was going to be late. " she explained while making both of us plates. " Adam, help her with that heavy uniform on her. She looks extinguished, and sweaty. "

Adam like over at me with a smile but took off my practice jersey and my shoulder pads for me. As they hit the floor, I let out a huge sigh.

I can breathe, finally.

You would think after these years I would get use to wearing this, but no. It's like when you get shots, you get them constantly, even if you don't want then, and every time they still hurt.

" I'm going to shower then I'll be back down. " I told her. I walked away with my duffel bag shuffling up the stairs. I heard Adam's mom tell him to do something then I heard him run after me.

" What Adam? " I groaned. I'm so tired. No wonder why he tells us to stay home and rest.

" I... uh..." He sighed. " Mom says you have to share a room with me. Marshall was claimed to take over your room and she doesn't trust anybody else to share with. " I looked over at him confused.

" What about Rudy? " I asked.

" She has Shane. Boss man is never home at night so she sleeps with him." He explained. I muttered a silent 'oh' and kept walking. He talked behind waking in awkward silence.

" Hey, you.... uh, are you going to prom? " he asked suddenly when we reached his room. I thought about is. Am I going? Rudy and I have been ignoring offers because we were too preoccupied to pay it any attention. So, am I going?

" No. " I said simply and walked in. I shot the duffel back in the corner. Some of my clothes was on his bed. My sports bra and shorts for sleeping and another Mafia outfit. I noticed heels and groaned. Rudy had to pick that out. I hope she knows I'm wearing converses. Attached to the right dress was a note, from Rudy.

I hid your converses and high tops and sandals.

Love, Rudy

I let out another groan. Mafia, always a step ahead. Sometimes I wish they wasn't. I kicked off my cleats and slowly pulled down my pants. I ignored the feeling of being starred down and shot them in a hamper. I was now in a muscle shirt and tight boxers. I grabbed my pajamas and went to shower. I quickly finished at midnight. The full moon was out and the house was asleep

" What are you doing up? " I asked Adam, stepping out of the bathroom. Rudy must have known I was staying in Adams room, she picked out shorts two sides too small. They looked like my boxers.

" I couldn't sleep. " he said. He wrapped the towel around his waist. His hair was wet with water and it cascaded down to his stomach. His oh so yummy 8pac. Everything happened in slo-mo. The water looked like it shined in the moon light and his easy breaths caused his biceps to flex a smidge. When he raked his hand through his hair a vein popped and his biceps pumped. I shivered a little then walked to the window.

The owl in the tree a couple yards away hooted. The stars shine bright without the city light getting in the way. The full moon shone in the pond in the back of the house. Hmm, I never knew that was there. I didn't even know we had a garden. Red roses, white roses, lilies, yellow tulips, red tulips, daisies, sun flowers and and more. What caught my eye was in the center, a huge surrounded by my favorite flower of them all.

" Cattleya's. " I whispered. The flowers was brushed by the night wind.

" Believe it out not, that was designed by your dad and Mafia Maria. " Adam said from behind me. I chuckled. A mafia man, designed the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

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