Worse than a junkie and a alcoholic getting married in Vegas

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I jumped out my window leaving my noble steed, Olympus, to gaurd my goodies. I landed on my trampoline that is never used. I have to have a garage sale. Or a bedroom sale. I jump off the trampoline and into the empty huge backyard. I might as well walk, I need to think about nothing. Literally.

The whole while there I took in my surroundings. I'm loving the while nature vibe. I can change my room to look like this. Nature Sage. Sounds like a perfume. Maybe I could make one just for me. Hmm, maybe. Just. Maybe.

" Sage is a total outcast. I don't understand why you invited her. " Nyla's annoying voice came into focus. Oohh, time to listen in.

" Don't talk about her like that. Yeah she's a outcast, so what let her join. " Kaleb defended. Yeah, don't talk about me like that. Wait, hey!

" She's a total buzz kill. It's already bad enough my brother is a cheer Co captain and 'machete' Johnson isn't coming to my ball for him. Now I have to deal with his weirdo, ugly sister for the whole day? " Nyla whined. Wait, brother. Thee Kaleb Mack is Nyla's brother?? Did not see that coming.

" It's alright sis. You love me anyways but if you get in goods with his sister then maybe she would invite you over. You'll be the first person to ever see 'machete' Johnson's face. " Are they seriously going to use me?? To see me?? Can't wait to see their priceless face when they find out machete Johnson is the 'outcast'.

" Hello, Kaleb, Nyla, Olive, Helena, Helen, Malinda and Malik?? " why would Malik be here. I look through the crowd and see Helena with a number 12 jersey. Malik's number.

" Nevermind. " I say before anybody could answer.

" Well, let's go check out the very pink boutique first then where ever you......get your clothes from. " she said singling me out. Yeah, I'm not going there.

" Yeah, I'm not going to no Very Pink Boutique. Imma go to that shop over there, " I pointed to a random shop that had no pink in it.
" While you guys go to that. " I scrunched up my face.

" Imma go with her. " Kaleb joined.

" Yeah, me to. Pink really isn't my thing. " Malik said. I walked away while the boys just backed away from the angry girls. Ha. Boys are with me now. Deal with it. I cracked a smile and walked in.

" Welcome to Elena's place. How may I..... " I cut the badly dressed cashier off with a wave of my hand.

" Would you let me look around? Just walked into the damn store. Jeez. " I said rudely.

" Excuse her temper. " Kaleb half whispered.

" Malik love temper. " Did he really just talk in the third person?? Malik turned to me and stared to wiggle his eyebrows. I scrunched up my face and shook my head quickly. He made a kissy face then winked. Can he not take a hint?? I shook my head and stuck up my favorite finger. He nodded his head and put up five fingers indicating in five minutes. Wow, I'll give him points for persistace but that's it.

" Malik leave her alone. " Kaleb blurted. I smiled kindly at him and went to the dresses, first time for everything.


" Every store in the mall and not one decent, non pink dress. What is wrong with you people!? " I shouted to nobody even thought we was in a packed food court.

" Calm you tits girl. We still got 3 other malls to go to. " Malik said calmly. How can he be so calm?? This is soooo boring. Emphasis on so. I didn't respond to him but I did groan.

" It's okay, I'm used to it. You just got to make the best of it. " Malik stuffed his face of shou mian.

" Hey, save me some! " I said and snatched his plate. I shoved a forkful into my mouth before he snatched it back. Meanie.

The Football Player And The CheerleaderWhere stories live. Discover now