Cinderella at a high school mascarade ball

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" Sage. Hey Sage. Yohoo Sage. " ugh would she shut up? I turned around smiling. She ran up to me in her too small uniform. I thought they didn't make that size anymore plus, when were we allowed to wear skirts?

" Yes?? " I asked innocently. One of the cheerleaders I don't pay attention to came up to me.

" I heard you are related to the quarterback Johnson since your the only one with that last name Johnson. Are you? " she asked hopefully. I nodded my head.

" Yeah, he's my brother. Why? " I asked calmly.

" Omg really!? I thought he would be you cousin our something, not your brother. This is a whole new level. Nyla would be so mad. Might as well ask you now. Why aren't you a cheerleader?? " she rambled.

" I don't want to be a fucking cheerleader. That sucks. " She gasped loudly.

" Olive, what are you doing? You don't talk to low life trash. " Nyla commented coming up the hall.

" But she's Johnson's sister. " Olive barely whispered. Nyla didn't look convince.

" Oohh really. " She turned to me.

" When's his birthday? Middle name? Favorite food? How big is his house? What color is his hair? Favorite candy? Number one cheerleader? " Oohh she trying to be so slick. Let's play dumb for a while shall we?

" January 25, Andrew, bacon, huge, midnight black, cherry lollipops, doesn't have one. " I answered expertly. I know his whole life, he is me after all. Nyla stared daggers at me hoping I would give to lying. Nope. I just smiled sweetly and rocked back and forth on my heels as a habit.

" Your lying. " She said.

" Oohh really?? What's the real answer?? " I leaned in closer and looked dead in her eyes. She looked around nervously then walked away.

" Cheer practice is at 5 don't be late. " she called back.

Nahh, got football practice. I wanted to say but didn't.

I just rolled my eyes, snarled and walked to my sleek black Audi r8 spyder. I love my baby. So shiny and fast. Nothing will be better than this.

" Sage! " did I say nothing would be better than my Audi?? Well there is one thing.

" Kaleb. " I gushed. He's the Co captain of cheerleading. He isn't gay, trust me, I know. Boys could be cheerleaders too you know.

" Hey, the cheerleaders are having a congratulatory party for the team and since you are rumored to be joining, and I need a date, would you like to go with me? " I open my eyes wide. Kaleb, Kaleb Mack, just asked me out. To a party. Mental happy dance. Whoop whoop!!

" Sure. " I shrugged my shoulders and walked away coolly.

" Great. " he called after me. When I got in my car, I unwisely did the happy dance that was planned in my head, with the windows rolled down. 

" Your weird Sage Johnson, I like that. " He told me and walked away. I giggled a little at my embarrassing moment. Hmm, that would be held against me.


I ran into my house trying to be unseen by, well my parents. My mom walked out the corridor scratching her neck like she does everyday, all day. She always seems to be itchy and twitchy being a addict and all.

" Hello, mother. " I said in my normal British accent. Yes, I'm British with a hint of German, and yes big hair, my grandmother came from the south. Thank you grandmama.

" Winch. " She spat. The accent she once had faded when we moved here. Good thing too, if she still had it she would sound like a dying old frog. She hates that I still have my accent, she says it's the reason why she left London in the first place. That and how they always curtsy when they arrive and leave. I just smiled.

The Football Player And The CheerleaderWhere stories live. Discover now