Tracing chips Doritos and Mr. Okumura

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" 3 Days tops. "

That was almost five months ago. Five, the school year is almost over and my grades have become a straight A- student. That is bad for me. I'm a straight A+ student. I still didn't let my grades fall dramatically but I sure did stop going to football practice. Championships is on Friday, two days away. Prom is on Saturday, me and Rudy have been distracted a lot lately we didn't even bother to buy some dresses  I don't even think we will be going. The boys haven't shown any signs of coming back. I've prayed with Adam's ring cluched in my hands every day and every night. Wishing they would come back. The house has been filled with members that I just ignore. Rudy was right, there are no girls around our age and with the boys missing, there isn't any boys either. I'm towards the last page of Adams little leather book. He's been writing in this for a while now. Some pages are written in crayon, others makers. As the pages go on they transfer into black gel pen. There are some smudges due to him being a left handed person but its still readable. He keeps talking about someone. I could never tell. One minute its like a girl is writing about a girl and others, I can't even tell.

" Sage! " someone shouted in my face. I looked over to see Malik shaking his fingers in my face for the fifth time today.

" You zoned again. " Helena said. Helen nodded.

" Just distracted. " I told them. That had been my excuse since the day they left. Rudy has been skipping lunch to sit around outside, hoping their car would pull up. After I eat, I would join her. I started to loose hope but I didn't want to leave Rudy alone. A black car would pass and I would get excited for a minute. It never was them.

" I'm going outside with Rudy. See you guys later. " I grabbed my books and binder and walked out of the café with my long hair covering my face. When Adam and the guys left me and Rudy dyed our hair to get then out of our minds. I dyed my tips baby blue and Rudy dyed her tips a Ruby color, courtesy of her name sounding like it. It worked for a couple of hours, now? Not so much

" Have you seen them? " I asked hopefully. I walked over to her sitting on her back pack under the regular willow tree. She shook her head sadly as her hair flowed in the wind.

" No. " She whispered. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I leaned back onto the tree.

" Do you think they will ever come back? " she asked for the first time in months. I'm usually the one who asked her.

" Honestly honey, I don't even know. " I admitted. We both let out a huge sigh and watched many different cars go by.


The school bell went off causing Rudy to snap up her head. She looked at the parking lot to see if any new cars have arrived, then looked down in disappointment.

" Another day breaks, not a single new car in sight. " She huffed, standing up. I agreed and we gathered our stuff.

" I have a free period so I'm going to go the house to clean up. Gym got me sweating. " I told her. Rudy nodded and headed inside.

" I'll see you in a hour. " I walked to my black pick up truck that Boss man got me for rainy days. I paid him back and have been using it ever since. I keep the motorcycle Adam and I share in the back with a cover on it. I rode it once to the beach but it didn't feel the same. My scars had completely disappeared as much as it can and I've returned to the school uniform like everyone else when spirit week died out. I shot my things into the passenger seat and hopped into the divers seat. I started the car and drove home.


I got out the 10 minute shower I took, drying my hair with a hands towel. I had put on some sweatpants and a V neck with a pair of Vans I bought last week. Just like I do everyday on my free period.

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