Slut-tastic Beach Day

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" Hey wake up Sage. " I groaned flipping around on my comfortable plush bed. There's 104 days of no more school and I'm planning to sleep that out completely.

" Come on wake up. " Adam begged. I squeezed my eyes close tighter and covered myself with the pillow. He seemed to finally get the point and left me alone in silence. Smiling in content I fell back to sleep for mere seconds. It would have been longer but I was attacked.

I shot up out of bed gasping for breath as I squirmed around. My legs was held down along with my arms above my head. He was sitting on me straddling me down to the bed. He just attacked me.........with tickles.

" Okay, okay, I'm up! " I said in between laughs. He continued to tickle me with one hand irritating me but I couldn't show it due to my fits of giggles. His hand tickled me lower causing me to wince. He stopped and his smile dropped.

" Oh my god. I'm so sorry. " He climbed off me carefully with a pained look. I sat up grabbing at my side.

" It's okay. " I winced lifting up my shirt showing a huge purple bruise against my tan skin. I poked at it wincing again.

" Whoa, all those scars, from your multiple encounters with trouble? " Adam asked crawling up the bed staring. I smiled wearily.

" Yeah. " I said. Adam got off the bed going to the bedroom door, locking it. What was that for? Rape? Does he have a surprise? I don't like surprises, I punch on reflex.

" Let me see. " He ordered politely. I did as he told and pulled my shirt over my head showing my blue sports bra. He seem in a trance by my scars it actually made me blush.

" What's that one from? " He asked pointing to the large slowly fading scar on my abdomen. He drew an imaginary line on top of it causing a shiver to rack my whole body. I breathed slowly then responded.

" The car accident a few months back. A large window piece stuck me to the passenger seat. I pulled it out, almost bleed to death. " I told him. He winced, as if feeling the pain himself, then scooted forward.

" And that one? " He asked touching the one on my shoulder blade.

" Motorcycle accident. Drunk driver crashed into me killing hisself on impact due to his neck snapping. "

Adam pointed to another.

" Rotor blade on my car went haywire when I tried to fix it. "


" Knife fight. "

And another.

" Tree climbing accident. "


" Dirt bike. "


" Kitchen stove piece scratched me. "

I told him every story that when with the dozens of scars on my body. Some of them mostly from football games.

" Hey, what's that? " He asked like a curious kid in Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory.

" Oh that? " I pointed the the longest one that was slightly covered by my dragon tattoo. It started at the dragons stomach and stopped on the middle inner part of my thigh.

" I actually don't know, I can't remember, it's been there for as long as I could remember. Probably a childhood accident. " I shrugged. Adam stared at it fascinated shaking his head.

" I don't remember it being there when know. But then again, I don't recall paying attention. " He hesitated causing me to blush at the memory. I haven't had the time to think about anything due to being frantic that the boys didn't return at the time they said.

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