Chapter Two

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Naomi was sitting almost serenely on the hospital bed, staring observantly out a barred window. "Why does her window have bars?" I asked Rei curiously.

"This is a mental hospital, need I remind you Akane-chan," Rei answered in an apparent tone. "A crazed patient may try to escape or commit suicide by jumping. And she may do it while asleep, better safe than sorry."

I nodded then cautiously headed over to Naomi. “Hi Naomi-kun,” I sat next to her on the bed. She didn’t budge. “I’m your new nurse, Akane-san. And this is my assistant, Rei-san.” I gestured toward her, and Naomi still sat as if lifeless by the window.

“She’s a hard egg to crack,” Rei whispered. Minutes later her pager rang and she excused herself to leave. I sat alone with Naomi silently until I noticed something.

“Where’d you get that?” I said, referring to the black chain that hung around her neck. This time I was sure she heard me, as she pressed her hand against the necklace briefly before setting it back down in its original place.

I shook my head. They usually didn’t allow jewelry in this hospital, maybe she was an exception. Maybe this was her comfort item. I knew many patients who kept ridiculous things such as caps, ties, and boxes that comforted them. Personally for me I did not have one.

“Are you going to talk Naomi-kun?” I asked her one final time. She blinked, continuing to stare out the window. “This is going to be a long night.” I sighed, rising from the bed.

I stretched my legs out to ease the aching of my knees before pacing around the room. I thought of all possible ways to get Naomi to talk, but to no avail. Then her brother came to mind, Naoki, the one with pica. I wonder what they have to go through to get him from eating strange things…

I skip-ran down the hallway and, with some direction, located his door. Naoki was balled up in a fetal position in the right-hand corner of the room. He was slightly rocking himself, looking like a stereotypical asylum patient.

“Hi Naoki-bō,” I greeted, unlike his sister he looked up at me. Making what sounded like a growling noise from deep in his throat. “Would you like to see your sister?”

He stood and walked over to me with such ease. I was a bit envious of this, how he didn’t have to feel pain in his joints whenever he moved. I took him by the hand and led him down the hall. 

Naoki sat on the bed beside his sister. From behind they looked like such an average family; a brother and a sister sitting beside each other, observing the world around them. But in reality they were the exact opposite.

I heard the door opening behind me, turning my head around in sudden fear I saw it was none other than Rei. I sighed in relief, “Can you watch them for a moment? I need to go check on something.” I asked her.

“But I’m only a certified nursing assistant, how can I–“ I held my hand up to cut her off.

“Being a CNA means nothing, I was once one. Just watch these two please; I need to get my rest. It’s going to be a long night watching Naomi-kun, I’m sure of it.”

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