Chapter One

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“Ōta Akane-san, to the front desk please," the voice on the intercom called for me. I rose from my seat and almost stumbled, for my knees sometimes locked up on me whenever I sat or stood too long.

When I steadied myself I walked to the desk; a woman whose nametag read "Kimura Fumiko” with bleached blond hair looked me over. "You're Ōta Akane-san?"

I nodded, and then remembered my manners. "Yes ma'am."

"Don't 'yes ma'am' me honey," Fumiko fluffed the curls of her hair up. "I'm not that old. But you are that young."

"I'm in my mid-twenties, Kimura-san." She ignored my comment and popped a piece of bright pink bubblegum in her mouth.

"You're assigned to..." she briefly looked through a stack of multi-colored papers. “Haddad Naomi-kun. She has parasomnia, meaning some weird things go on whenever she's asleep."

I nodded and took the clipboard with the application attached from her. "Thank you, Kimura-san." She blushed slightly and waved her hand at me. I set off to the elevator.

Rie Ikeda, my nursing auxiliary, greeted me on the floor and handed me my scrubs. "Morning Akane-chan," she solemnly greeted, taking the clipboard from me. "Who are you assigned to now?"

"A girl named Naomi-san; she has a major sleeping disorder."

"Haddad Naomi-kun?" Rie asked not looking up. She reminded me of a mouse; quiet, very observant, always pouncing on opportunities.

"Yes," I replied surprised. "How did you know?"

She shrugged, still not looking up at me. "Her brother's Haddad Naoki-bō, he has pica. I was assigned to care for him on last year's holiday." I took the clipboard back, and there it was. She had a brother younger by six years.

"Where are you going?" Rie asked me. I looked back to see that she was standing in front of the correct door, when I thought it was at the end of the hallway.

"I'm sorry," I embarrassingly apologized. I looked at the heavy metal door. "Let's see what this Naomi girl's about."

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