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Her long thin fingers rested themselves through your matted ginger locks while you leant up to pull her closer to you. Your foreheads were touching and yet you could only think that this was how far you two would go.

Oh how wrong you were.

Her fingers combed through the mess you have the audacity to call 'decent hair' until she reached the back of your neck. You shivered. "Aww is the fearsome dragon fan8tic g8tting cold? Or may8e.." She put on a sly grin before speaking again. "Turned oooooooon?" She dragged out the last word.

It's weird how someones texting style can affect someone's speach.

That thought was long gone in only a split second as you could feel her hand flowing down your body, it felt somewhat nice. You could get used to this feeling.

"NO. TH3 'F34RSOM3 DR4GON F4N4T1C', 4ND BY TH3 W4Y, 1 4M NOT 4 DR4GON F4N4T1C, 1 JUST R34LLY L1K3 DR4GONS, 1S NOT G3TT1NG 'TURN3D ON'." You breathe in and smell a faint whiff of blueberry. "1NF4CT, SH3 1S G3TT1NG QU1T3 TURN3D OFF R1GHT 4BOUT NOW."

"Aww shucks Rez." Her nail.. claw.. things (whatever they are they are DANGEROUSLY fucking sharp!!) trace aimless patterns leading toward your inner thigh.

"VR1SK4. STOP W1TH TH3 T34S1NG 4ND JUST FUCK1NG K1SS M3 4LR34DY." As soon as the last word left your mouth, she dove in. She was hungry and her prey was begging to be caught.

Her lips tasted like blueberries against your own cherry. You could never love blue more than in this moment.

Vriska was good. Vriska was safe. Vriska would always protect you.

You now know how you feel about her.

You leave her lips for a couple seconds. "VR1SK4.."


"1 LOV3 YOU."

"Lov' ya too Rez."

You then returned to the soft, warm embrace of lips against lips and everything was alright.

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