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"ayo beach over here" Meenah waved over to the girl who had hidden herself behind the book she was reading, embarrassed as all hell.

"Uh.. E=xcusE= mE=. But.. could you plE=asE= kE=-E=p it down? pE=oplE= arE= attE=mpting to study and you havE= comE= in hE=rE= and havE= bE=gan talking to somE=onE= rathE=r loudly.."

"whoa clam down gill aint no need to get so fussy aboat it"

"That's it. You. Out. Now. I will takE= nonE= of this anymorE=."

"fin wit' me" Meenah walked over to the girl hid behind the book. "hey serket wanna meet out there?" She leaned in and whispered into her ear. "gills b-room as soon as ya can aight" Aranea nodded ever so slightly "sweet sea ya there then" Meenah winked at the blue blooded girl then as walking out, flipped the librarian off, flung the door open and yelled a distant "FUCK YOU TOO MAT-E!" to presumably the librarian. It was pretty safe to say she wouldn't be returning to that room anytime soon.

Meanwhile, Aranea was swiftly packing her things away, planning to take up such offer of meeting up with her (not so) secret matesprit.

"ArE= you rE=ally going to go mE=-E=t up with that.. loudmouth?" Librarian questioned Ararea, comforting herself from the (once again, not so) argument. "In fact, yes. Yes, I am going to meet up with her. Do you have a pro8lem with me seeing her?" The other girl was speechless. "You don't? Good. I will 8e taking my leave now if that's quite alright with you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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