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[oh wow, me writing homestuck lesbians?

more common than youd think.

Vampire!Rose x Adventurer!Jade]

The girl stumbled through the darkness, following the faint guide that was the light being projected from somewhere. Her torch had died long ago, meaning she had no way of knowing where she was going.

A tall building loomed over her vision, despite her above average height, she had to to crane her neck to be able to see a higher window. She ventured towards the door, giving a small knock, hearing it echo quietly throughout the empty spaces she could hear from. The door opened after a few painful moments to reveal a shorter girl with almost paper white skin, her hair almost the same colour and piercing, deep purple orbs that clashed with her overall pale exterior.

"Good evening." She sighed before continuing. "Why are you venturing out into the deep unknown during this depressing time, young lady?" The mysterious girl spoke clearly but with a bubbly yet stern tone. Her physique showed her to be probably a bit younger than Jade Harley herself, even if the way she had addressed Jade made her seem older.

"Ah, Me!?" Jade pointed towards her chest. "You appear to be the only.. person around, yes?"

"Sorry! Jade didn't really notice!" The taller collected her thoughts before speaking.

"I was just taking that lovely rocky path, maybe just south of here? and seeing where it takes me today! I guess it led me here, to you, huh?" Despite the gloomy aura, a toothy grin grew on the dark haired girl's face, a true smile at that.

//////// //////// //////// //////// //////// //////// ////////

She was invited in and had stayed in the Lalonde Manor (she had even learned the name of the pale girl!!) for a few days, sharing stories of her wild escapades, once being face to face with a wild wolf and surprisingly being half licked to death by it. She stated that she had actually named the wolf Becquerel in the end.

"Soo.. Rosie, d'you maybe wanna tell Jade a bit about yourself? I've told you all about my stories and honestly I've heard practically nothing to do with your own past. You don't have to tell her of course, Jade's completely okay with that!" Said girl closed her book and looked over to the other, before sighing and composing herself. "Well, if I must get one thing out the way in this conversation then it is this. I am a vampire. Oh the shock and the horror, the audacity to label myself as such a mythological creature." Rose deadpanned the girl. "Yet, it is the truth."

Jade was bewildered to say the least, too many thoughts came rushing to her brain at once, causing her to fumble over her words. "Okay wait. So you, Rose Lalonde, are actually the child of.. Mrs. Lalonde? Nobody actually... really knows her name."

"That is correct, yes."

A moment of almost pure silence was held between them, comfortable silence. Until Jade had tackled Rose into a tight, loving hug that is. "Rose, you think that will change my opinion of you!? Of course it wont you idiot!"

"Jade! you're- ghhk!" Jade loosened her grip on Rose, letting herself and the other fall back onto the gentle couch.

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