Chapter 9 Oh! There's A New Boy!

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*Codie's Pov*

I woke up to the slight movement beside me and then something hit my chest. I look over and I see Hunter sleeping there with her mouth wide open. Hope she doesn't catch any flies.

I look at the heavy object on my chest and it's her arm. So Hunter is sleeping with her mouth wide open and her arm is basically on my boob.

If anyone saw us right now they would probably think that we are gay. But you have to know the stories behind us. I slowly slide sideways and into the floor.

I finally get up and I do my ninja moves all the way to the bathroom. I did my business and I finally looked in the mirror.

"EKKKKKK!" I yelled. Hunter came into the bathroom with a spoon. "A spoon really?" I asked. "Hey. It's the only thing I could think of! Why'd you yell?" She said.

"Because I looked in the mirror." I said. We looked at each other and started bursting out laughing.. I looked at the time. 6:45.

"Damn." I said Hunter looked at me and asked "What's wrong?." "Uh. Our asses better be ready by 7:00" I said pointing towards the clock. "Damn" Hunter said and raced to her room.

I also raced to her room. We both stopped down to underwear and bras. We was throwing jeans at each other and mix-matching shirts. When we finally got done we walked out.

I was wearing my ripped skinny jeans with Hunters exercising shirt. I have my old gray converses and my hair in a messy ponytail with my bag over my shoulder.

Hunter came out with ripped skinny jeans, my shirt that says in bold letters across the boobs said "Too cool for school." And she had my black converses on. Her hair was in a messy bun and her bag was on her back.

We grabbed some pancakes and ran out the door.. She lived closer to the school then I did. It was only an 2 mile walk. That's not bad. We was stuffing our faces with pancakes on the way to school. What a life? Huh?.

Then we got bored so we decided to see who's boobs were bigger. Yeah. She didn't win. She barely has any. Me on the other hand has some big boobs. We talk about the most randomest things.

We finally got to school and of course there's Marshall by my locker. I groaned and walked over there. Because I need my books. "What do you want asshat?" I said grouchy. "Look. I'm sorry. But I just wanna know if Nate's okay. Mom hasn't been home in like 4 days now." He said. Wait.. He doesn't know that Debbie came and took Nate. Shit..

"Umm. I hope you know that a couple days ago your stupid mom came and drugged Hunter and I and then left with Nate." I said sadly. "Oh. I had no clue she would do that. She hasn't been home either." Marshall said. "Well good luck finding him." I said closing my locker.. "Wait. Aren't you gonna help me?" He asked. "Umm. No, Nate is not my responsibility. He's yours not mine." I said. I really wanted to take it back. But I knew what was best for Nate.

I turned around from Marshall's shocked face. I then headed to Math. I got to math and there Hunter is writing in her purple journal. As usual. I took the seat next to her and I took out my Black journal and I finished up on the song I've made. I have written many songs before but no one knows or has seen the songs before.

I finished the song and I started on a new song. I am calling this one "Young Blood." I then instantly got ideas on how the lyrics would go. I tapped my pencil as I was saying the words in my head. I was almost done with the song when the teacher came in. Hunter put her journal up and I was putting mine up.

It was alot of nothing in that period. Until.... The door opened and Pop! Then a boy with his hair down and he just swoops it to the side. He's wearing light jeans and he has holes in them. He has a red binder. He is wearing a red sweatshirt, with some vans.

I look over and I see Hunter drooling. So are the other girls. I look back over at Hunter and I smack her in the face. "What? What was that for?" She asked looking at me. "Well, 1. You was drooling, 2. You looked like you was like paralyzed, 3. You could catch flies, and 4. You was drooling." I said.

I then felt a breeze go by my right arm. I look over and I see the new kid who is handsome but then again must be a heartbreaker. He looks at me and chuckles. "What is so freaking funny?" I ask. "Well, since you just smacked your friend and your the only girl that's like not drooling." He said smirking.

"Well, I am not like most girls. I mean yeah, I wear make-up, I do my hair but not all the nails and shit. No. To classy." I say with a smirk. "Huh, to classy, nice. I'm Alec Ryder." He said. He then puts his hand out for mine.

I put my hand out for him to shake. We shake hands and I look at him. "My name is Carter Miller. But just call me Codie." I say.

When the bell rung I quickly got out and went to my next period. Great. English. I was walking there when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and I saw Alec there.

"Uh, hi." I say. "Um. Do you know where English is?" He asked blushing. "Uh. Yeah. I Am heading there too." I say. "Cool" He said. "Yeah, follow me." I say. I turned around and begin to walk.


Not exactly an update but it's something. I will update soon again. At the side or the top is a picture of their outfits. I made them myself.. Ermm. Bye.


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