Chapter 1 The beginning.

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Sorry. There may be some errors.. So this is my first Eminem Fanfiction. Please go easy on me. So let the chapter begin!

*Codie's Pov*

My name is Carter May Miller. But I like to be called Codie. I live in a tailer park. It's called "8 mile." I am 13 years old.. My moms name Karen and my dad's name is Dan. They fight all the time. This morning I woke up to them fighting and then I heard someone smack someone.

If you haven't figured this out already is that my dad abuses my mom. But he has never laid a finger on me. I told my mom I was going to the park to just walk. I like to walk when they are fighting. It helps clear my head.

So I got back to my tiny bedroom and I pull out my faded Batman shirt and some baggy jeans. I put my jeans on and then I put in my old converses.

I walk out and I grab my black hoodie from the couch. I put it on. I Only zip it half way and you can still see the batman signal.

I go outside and I start walking towards the park. It's only 4 blocks over. So I walk there and I automatically get on te swings.

When I go swinging its kind if like I am flying in the air. Then after about a hour of being at the park I decided to head home.

I finally got on my road and the trailer beside my house that has been empty for about 2 years has a car in the driveway.

There was a woman carrying boxes and behind her was a boy. About my age! I got closer to my house and I guess he noticed me. He began to walk over to me. I noticed that he had a superman shirt on.

"Hi" he said a little shyly. "Hey. I guess your moving next door to me?" I said. "Yeah, we had to move we got evicted from our old house." He said sadly. "It's okay. Well, welcome to 8 mile, and let your stay be a living hell." I said with confidence.

"Hah. Yeah. But damn. I have to live here and find some new fucking friends." He said. "I feel your pain. But hey. You have one friend right here!" I was moving my hands up and down my body. "I am living here with my mom and sometimes my uncle comes." He said. "I live here with My mom and my Dad" I said coldly. It fucking sucks.

"Yeah I guess so." He chuckled. "So what's your name?" He asked " Carter Miller but just call me Codie." I said with an ease.

"Well Codie, I am Marshall Mathers." He said holding out his hand. "Well hi to you too. Your name sounds like Marshmallow. So that's what I am going to call you!" I said shaking his hand.

Then my mom came out and she was yelling for me. She didn't care, she was on drugs. Then Marshall's mom yelled at him. "So same time tomorrow. Maybe you could meet my mom?" He said. "Sure, why not."

"Bye Codie!" He said walking back to his house. "Bye Marshall" I waved and walked back to my house.

"Who the fuck is that boy?" My mom yelled at me. "He moved in next door, he's my friend." I said sadly. "Well, okay. But you still have to do all the shit around here first then you go be with your fucking buddy." She said.

Well obviously she is drunk or high maybe both. I did all the shit and I just fell asleep to peacefulness.


I hoped you guys liked it. Comment if you didn't or if you did I understand if you didn't


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