Chapter 15 The Pain/The Gain *Part 2*

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*Alec's Pov*

When Marshall just stood there looking at me something inside me got me really angry. "Forget it." I said walking away. Then I left. I am going to find her myself. When I walked out of the school. It was getting really dark probably just another thunderstorm.

I walked everywhere. I was walking down Main Street when I saw this guy walking out of the alley. He was dressed in all black with a smirk on his face. "Hopefully, Codie wouldn't be in here" I thought to myself.

"Looks like we are about to find out" I murmured to myself and began to walk into the alley.

*Hunter's Pov*

When Alec left I could tell that he was pissed. "but I don't understand why he was so worried about finding  her. I still have to find out where they talk all the time. I wonder if he's going to break up with me?" I thought to myself damn add to shrugged it off and started talking to Alli.

*Marshall's Pov*

When I left I went to leave. Then this  bitch was trying to talk to me. She was the head of the cheerleading squad. Then she was touching the rink in her eyes and flipping her hair.

So then I just walked off ignoring her and the remarks that her team made towards me.

*Alli's Pov*

Turtle,turtle, turtle, turtle are you jelly or are you turtle? turtle, turtle, turtle am I to Turley for the turtle club?

*Alec's Pov*

I then started walking down the alley. When I was walking down the alley I saw steam and darkness. Then all of a sudden I saw something on the ground and it was fairly large. Closer to it it was a body. I thought started racing in my head wondering if it was her.

I got closer to the body. "OMG! No!" I yelled and scanned the body. "It's Codie." I made sure everything was ok.

I didn't look I I made sure not to lick but to make sure that she was OK.  So I pulled up her pants without looking all the way. I made sure she had a pulse. Then I picked up her limp body very very slowly and began to walk to my house.

I must say this it is going to be a long way back to my house. But I don't mind she is very light like a feather. I will check on her every couple minutes but she is still passed out. You can see were she has been beat. She has a black eye, a fat lip, and a thousand bruises. I am about home.

Only a mile left about 2 miles ago my phone won't stop vibrating it finally stopped. When I saw my house I began to walk A tad bit faster I was almost there.

When I got to my house I couldn't open the door so I kicked instead. Then my mother. "OMG! What happened?" She said opening the door father so I could get in. "this is Cody one of my friends she left school early today for no reason. Then I got worried so I went to find her. I finally found her. She was in an alley. I found her like this. She still won't wake up." I said sitting Codie down on my bed.

"OK I'm going to get the first aid kit. While you go and get her something from my closet to wear. I will change her once I get those cuts and bruises taken care of." Mom said. "I hope she'll be fine." I said walking out of the room. I went to my pension. I got in the closet and got her some sweatpants and one of my shirts. When I went back mom was already back and treating her wounds.

"she will be OK for now. We have to wait till she wakes up." Mom said. Then she took the clothes out of my hand and push me out the door. I stood there until she opened it again. I looked back and saw Cody laying there. "She looks so calm and peaceful." I said to my mom. "yeah, she is one lucky girl if she has you as a friend, well I'm going to go wash her clothes. I will be back shortly." Mom said walking away.

Then I walked back into the room. I sat in a chair and waited for her to wake up. It has been almost 3 hours and she has not moved to single muscle. When my mom came in with a plate of food. She made me eat. I ate two bites of chicken and I buy it I love the green beans. Then I drink a Mountain Dew that's about it. I looked over and she still laying there. She looks so lifeless.

*Hunter's Pov*

It has been four hours and I have not seen Alec, Cody or Marshall. Then I go home and sit on my butt and love Alex's phone.

Hunter: hey. You OK?
Hunter: having any luck?
Hunter: why are you not talking to me?
Hunter: is your phone dead?
Hunter: did you find her?
Hunter: Are you cheating on me?
Hunter: ...

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