Chapter 13 The Bitch/The Laughter.

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*Marshall's Pov*

When Codie said "Goodbye" to Hunter. I went outside and waiting for her. I know she doesn't wanna come.. I just really don't know how to explain to her that her mom is pregnant.. I just think it's better to tell her when we get home then to tell her and leave her with Hunter.

Codie came out and she looked sad. "I know you don't wanna come." I said looking at her. "Yeah. But I guess it's for the best." She said sadly. Then I could see a tear run down her face.

I got closer to her and hugged her. When I hugged her she started full on crying. "Shh. It's okay. Marshmallow is here." I said rubbing her back. "I can't believe you remember that."Codie said through her tears. "How could I not. You gave me that name. My best friend." I said. Codie finally recovered. We talked the rest of the way. Then out of nowhere Codie asked me "Why do you want me to come back? I am just in the way." "Because I miss my best friend. That and you are bit in the way. If anything your the one who makes the path your not in the way. You clear it for me." I said looking her strait in the face with a serious face.

"But why? Why did you help me when we was little? Why did you wanna become my friend?" She asked. "Because I saw you. And thought She is the most prettiest little girl ever. And I had to have her. I became your friend because I know what you have been through, and I had to have you." I told her.

We turned on our street. I saw Codie get very tense. I looked to where she was looking and I saw her mom with her dad fighting. She kept walking. Then her mom saw her I guess and started walking towards us.

"Carter May Miller.!" Karen yells.

*Codie's Pov*

"Carter May Miller!" I hear my mom yell. She then walks up to me. I look down and I see her belly. Looks like she's pregnant. I look her dead in the eye and asked "Are you pregnant?" She huffed her breath. "Yeah. Sadly." She said. "You better not make it's life a living hell." I said with angry face. "Why not? It's fun to see you suffer?" She laughed evilly. "If you don't take care if it then I will adopt it." I told her.

"Your not old enough to adopt." She said smirking. "Oh really? Try me." I said looking her straight in the eye.

"Get your shit and get out." Mom yelled. "Happily." I yelled back. I dragged Marshall with me to the trailer. I guided him to my old room. I didn't have much left in here. I grabbed my other bag from under my bed.

I get the rest of my clothes. He puts them in the bag and I went to the bathroom to get the rest if my stuff. I grab my other phone charger. I grab my other journals from my closet.

I put them in a separate bag. I look around and I make sure that I have everything. I pick up most of the bags. Then Marshall picks up the rest. He is outside waiting for me. I turn to mom. "I hope you burn in hell" I said. "Yeah. You too." She said. "I hope you know that I will get that baby. Away from you." I said. "Good fucking luck." She said.

I walked out the door. Marshall and I walked to his house. We walk in. I see Debbie with Nate and some blonde girl that is a little bit younger then us. Marshall and I go to his room. We put the bags were they was before when I left. We walked back out to the living-room. I took Nate and was playing with him in the floor. I was leaning up againest the chair. Marshall came and sat behind me.

"So Marshall and Codie this is Kim Scott. She is a run away like you Codie. She will be staying with us for awhile." Debbie said. I look at Kim and I can see that her eyes are like stripping Marshall's clothes off. She looks at me with a fake ass smile. I get up and go to the kitchen to get something to drink. Kim comes to. She look at me. "Don't go anywhere near Marshall he's mine. So back off." Kim said. Then she slaps me.

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