Chapter 16 Lots of Emotion/The Hate

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Sorry guys but for now these are short chapters. Sorry.

*Alec's Pov*

I woke up and looked at the clock. "I'm not going to school if Codie's not." I thought. I get up and gently nudge Codie. She jumped up in panic. She was breathing really hard. I picked her up and say her on my lap and was just holding her in my arms until she calmed down.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "Yes. I'm just jumpy from what happened." She said taking calm breaths now. "I know this is a hard question but do you want to go to school today?"

She looks at me like I killed her dog. "Hell No." She said. I chuckled. "Maybe tomorrow." She said while getting off my lap. She gets beside me and lays back down. We talked for awhile and she fell back asleep.

Then I went to tell mom that we are not going to school today. And just nodded her head. Then I went back to my room and went back to the floor and fell asleep.

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