Chapter 24

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~Hinatas POV~
I put my phone down after everyone said bye. I can't believe they said use protection! We're not going to do anything!

"Are you sure you're okay? You're red again." Kuroo asked walking over and putting his forehead on mine. "You don't seem to have a fever." He said moving back a little. He's really close. Like really close. I looking in his eyes while he looked in mine...

He slowly leaned in and I closed my eyes.

I then felt his lips on mine. I placed my hands on his chest and tried to kiss back. He then pulled away, and we were looking in each others eyes again. "Wow..." I said quietly, he smiled. "You're really cute, you know that?" He was still close to my face, I gulped. "I-I guess." We were about to kiss again but Skittle barked again making us jump. "I-I should probably check on him." I said walking/running away. "Y-yea." He said before I was out of sight.

I walked/ran to where Skittle was. "What is it boy?" I said bending down. He walked over to the door and barked again. "Outside?" He shook his head, " someone there?" I asked him and he barked. I opened the door and saw my Mom and Ma. "H-hey Ma, Mom. Why didn't you use the key?" They smiled and walked inside. "Well...we did." Mom started off. "And we saw you two kissing and thought that we shouldn't interrupt." Ma finished for her. "Oh...OH!" I hid my face as the two laughed.

Kuroo walked up behind me. "Everything okay?" He asked I nodded my head, he then noticed Ma and Mom. "Oh, hey." He smiled. "Hello~ So~ Was it good?" Ma asked him. "MA!" I exclaimed, she laughed. "W-was what good?" Kuroo asked, Mom started to giggle. "The kiss silly." He froze and started to blush and tried hiding his face. Ma and Mom were having the time of their lives seeing us blush and hide out faces.

"C'mon~ You two looked so cute!" Mom exclaimed. I was crouching, still hiding my face while Kuroo was still hiding his face. "Well as long as you do everything safely." Ma said. "MA!" I exclaimed again. Kuroo crouched down as I stood up. "What? I don't want you two have unprotected sex." Ma said. "Oh. My god." Mom was laughing. "Mom~😫" I hid behind her. "What honey? She's not wrong." She agreed.

"W-we're going to go t-to my room." I said grabbing Kuroo and running up the stairs. Ma and Mom were still laughing. "Like I said! Use protection!" Ma yelled out. "MA STOP IT!" I yelled back blushing. I can still hear them laughing.

We got to my room and sat on the bed. "I-I'm sorry about them again." I said, Kuroo nodded, "It's fine." He laughed. I started laughing with him. "They don't have a filter do they?" He asked. "Nope." I said laughing. "Damn, I can't believe they saw." He said. "I can't either. They're having the time of their lives since I don't really bring anyone home." I said, he nodded his head. "I bet."

"Uh...D-did you like it?" He asked. I tilted my head thinking about what he was talking about. "Oh! Um...yes..." I said quietly. "That's good then." We were staring in each others eyes again before he kissed me again.

I kissed back, closing my eyes and placing my arms on his shoulder with one hand in his hair like how Suga said.

(They're on the bed, in front of each other, Hinata's not on his lap, unfortunately, Kuroo has his hands around Hinata's waist. Himari and Sakura are peeking from the door. But they don't need to know. They snapped a photo before leaving, closing the door.)

We pulled away after a few seconds. We looked at each other again before I turned away and covered my face blushing. He chuckled, "You alright?" I nodded my head. He then wrapped his hands around me again. "Are you sure?" His head was on my shoulder. "Definitely. I just lost my first kiss." I smiled at his shocked face. "I was your first kiss?" He asked, "Yup." He then smiled.

We stayed in my/our room until it was time for dinner, around 8. "Boys! Dinners ready!" Ma yelled out. "We're coming!" I yelled back. I grabbed his hand and dragged him downstairs.

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